伊丽莎白·德比齐 | 2024年第30届美国演员工会奖剧情类剧集最佳女演员奖致辞

伊丽莎白·德比齐 | 2024年第30届美国演员工会奖剧情类剧集最佳女演员奖致辞


I don’t have any shoes on. Truly, I was not expecting this. People say that, and I really am not. So...I don’t really know what to say, so I’m just going to wing it.我刚刚把鞋脱了。说真的,我真的没想到自己会获奖。很多人都说我会获奖,但我不这么人为。所以…我真不知道该说什么,所以我就即兴发挥了。
Thank you. Thank you, SAG-AFTRA. The women in my category, I watch with total awe, and I learn how to do my craft watching you. So being nominated next to you is incredible.谢谢!感谢美国演员工会。我怀着无比敬畏的心情注视着与我同组的女演员们,通过学习你们的表演,我学会了如何磨练我的演技。所以能和你们一起获得提名我感到非常不可思议。
I really really love my job. About a week ago, I had the flu. And I was... This is what happens when I improv. I was lying in bed and I was...I had the memory of... I was thinking about childhood, and I was thinking about a happy memory.我真的真的很喜欢我的工作。大约一周前,我得了流感。而我……这就是我即兴表演的下场。我躺在床上,我…我记得……我想起了童年,想起了快乐的回忆。
And I remembered that the first time that I was ever cast in a play. And it was in my year... I was year five. I must have been ten. I think someone’s parent wrote it. I think it was about kids getting along. Like, I don’t think it was an actual play.我想起了我第一次出演戏剧的场景。那是在我…那是我读五年级。我当时一定是十岁。那个剧本应该是某人的父母写的,内容是关于孩子们之间相处的问题。但我觉得那不是真正的戏剧。
Somebody gave that part on the last day of school and it was a 15 minute walk home. And I think I just... I levitated home. I was so happy. And I feel like that every time someone gives a job.学期末的时候,有人给了我剧本里的一个角色,我回家要走15分钟。我想我应该是飞奔回家的。我非常高兴。每次有人给我工作我都有这种感觉。
So, thank you for this. It means so much to me and to my beautiful Crown family and so many of you are here tonight, it is a joy to work with you. This job is such a gift. It’s my mom’s birthday. Happy birthday, Mom. Thank you so much.所以,谢谢美国演员工会。这对我和我美丽的《王冠》家人们以及今晚在座的各位来说意义重大,很高兴与你们一起工作。这份工作真是天赐良机。今天是我妈妈的生日。生日快乐,妈妈。谢谢!

