伊丽莎白·德比齐 | 2024年第29届评论家选择奖剧情最佳女配角奖致辞

伊丽莎白·德比齐 | 2024年第29届评论家选择奖剧情最佳女配角奖致辞


Goodness, I'm puffed and those stairs were terrifying, but I'm here. Thank you! I truly did not expect this. This role has been an incredible gift to me. It has been an incredible challenge, a terrifying challenge and I will always be grateful for it.天哪,我(激动的)快喘不过气来了,走楼梯也很吓人,但我还是站上来了。谢谢!我真的没想我会获此殊荣。(戴安娜王妃)这个角色对我来说是一份不可思议的礼物。它是一个令人难以置信的挑战,一个极大的挑战,我会永远感激这个角色。
I hope...my only hope really was that I would do this remarkable woman, incredible glorious human proud by playing her in this show. I want to thank Khaled, my scene partner who is just the most amazing man. I just adore you.我希望......我唯一的希望就是通过在这部剧中饰演她,为这位杰出的女性、极具光辉的人感到骄傲。我要感谢我的银幕搭档卡勒德,他是最棒的男人。我非常崇拜你。
Every actor in this room knows that what we do is not a singular venture at all. And if I did anything good in this show you are half of it, and you held me through it. I thank you forever. You are a dear friend and I love you. Thank you! Thank you!在座的每一位演员都知道,每个人做的一切绝非单打独斗。如果我在这部剧中做了值得赞扬的事,其中一半就是你的功劳,是你让我渡过难关。我永远都会感激你!你是我亲爱的朋友,我爱你。谢谢你,谢谢你们!

