第9章01. Mr Rochester

第9章01. Mr Rochester


9 Mr Rochester's past

  Soon I discovered what Mr Rochester meant when he said he had donewrongOne afternoonwhile walking in the gardens of Thornfieldhe told methe story of his loveaffair in Paris with a French dancerGeline

'YesMiss EyreI was youngand foolish thenI was so in love with her that I rented a house and hired servantsfor herI gave her a carriage and jewelsin fact I threw awaya fortune on herjust like any fool in loveOne evening Ivisited her but found she was outso I waited on her balconysmoking a cigarI heard hercarriage arrivingImagine my horror at seeing her step out followed by a manYou're soyoungyou've never felt love or jealousyhave youMiss EyreYou arefloating along a quiet river nowyou don't see the water boiling at the foot of the great rocksbut one dayyou'll come to a point in life's stream where the wild force of the waves maydestroy you where the noisy rushing water may drown youI am calmenough nowcalm enough to like living here at ThornfieldI like itbecause it's oldand greyand dark and yet I hate'He did not finish what he was sayingstaring angrily upat the windows on the top floor of his houseIt was a look ofdisgustpain and shameI could not understand what he meantand wanted to hearmore about Celineso I encouraged him to finish the story

9 罗切斯特的过去



  • Jiang_Daniel
