第9章04. Mr Rochester

第9章04. Mr Rochester


  'Shall I fetch Mrs Fairfax,sir,or the servants?'I asked.
  'No, why bother them?Just stay here for a moment.I'm going up to the top floor.Don't call anyone,I'll be back soon.
  I waited,cold and tired,in his room for what seemed a very long time.Then I saw the light of his candle approaching through the darkness,and he appeared,looking pale and depressed.
  'Did you see anything when you opened your bedroom door?'he asked,glancing sharply at me.
  'No,sir,only a candle on the floor.'
  'But you heard a strange laugh,did you say?'
  'Yes,I've heard it before.Grace Poole laughs like that.”
  'That's it.It must have been Grace Poole.You've guessed it.I shall consider what to do about it.But meanwhile I'm glad you're the only person who knows anything about all this Say nothing to anybody else,and now,go back to your own room.
  'Good night,then,sir,'I said,moving towards the door.
  'What!Are you leaving me already!'he said,seeming surprised,although he had just told me to go,'And so coldly?'
'You said I should go,sir.'

  • MerryJune


  • 听友65780608


  • 听友65780608


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