第9章02. Mr Rochester

第9章02. Mr Rochester


 'What happened when she entered the house, sir?'
  'Oh,I'd forgotten Céline!By the way,it's strange my telling you all this,but I know my secret's safe with you, and I know,too,that it can't have an evil influence on you-your mind's too strong for that. Yes, I listened to her conversation with her lover,an elegant young fool,and I knew I was no longer in love with her.So I walked into the room,told her our relationship was over,and challenged her lover to fight me.Next day I shot him in the arm during our fight,thought that was the end of the whole thing, and left France.But a few months before,Céline had had a baby girl,Adèle,and she claimed that Adèle was my child. She may be,although I doubt it.So when,a few years later,Céline abandoned Adèle and ran away to Italy with a singer,I went to Paris and brought Adèle back to grow up in England.'
I felt proud that Mr Rochester had trusted me with the story of his past life.I thought a lot about his character,and although I was aware of his faults,I also saw his goodness and kindness to me.From now on,my happiest moments were spent with him.I could not have imagined a better companion.

  • 莉莉读书


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