第9章03. Mr Rochester

第9章03. Mr Rochester


  One night I was woken by a slight noise.I felt sure someone was outside my bedroom door. As I hurried to lock it,I called,'Who's there?There was a strange,inhuman sound,then I heard a door shut upstairs on the top floor.'Was that Grace Poole?'I wondered,trembling.My curiosity made me open the door, and I found the corridor full of smoke.I saw it was coming from Mr Rochester's door,which was slightly open.I completely forgot my fears and rushed into his room.He lay fast asleep,surrounded by flames and smoke. Even his sheets were on fire.
  'Wake up!Wake up!'I shouted desperately,throwing water over him to put out the flames.Not until the fire was almost out did he wake up,swearing to find himself so wet.
  'Is there a flood?' he cried.
  'No,sir,I answered,'but there's been a fire.'
  'Jane Eyre,is it you and your magic?'he asked.'Have you put a spell on me again?Did you intend to drown me this time?'
'Please get up,sir.Someone has plotted to kill you!'And I explained what I had heard and how I had put out the fire.He looked very serious,and thought for a few seconds.

