16 Cultivating Joy

16 Cultivating Joy




[Cultivating Joy]

We may think of joy as something that happens spontaneously. But joy needs to be cultivated and practiced in order to grow. When we sit in mindfulness with others, it’s easier to sit. When we relax with others, it’s easier to relax. The collective energy can help us when we’re tired or when our mind wanders. The collective energy can bring us back to ourselves. This is why it’s so important to practice with others. At first we may worry that we aren’t doing sitting or walking meditation properly, and we may hesitate to practice with others for fear of being judged. But we all know how to sit and how to breathe. That’s all we have to do. After only a few moments of concentrating on our breathing, we can bring peace and calm to our body and mind.

We only need to pay attention to our in-breath and out-breath. Just focus on that. That’s all it takes to begin to calm the agitation in your mind and body and restore stability and peace within yourself. The concentration of those around you will also support you as you begin to practice. Do this a little bit each day, alone or with others. When you train like this, it becomes easier and easier to return to your mindful breathing. The more you train yourself, the more easily you touch the depths of your consciousness, and the more easily you can generate the energy of compassion. Each one of us can do this.
