【2023年5-8月话题】Day off 附答案

【2023年5-8月话题】Day off 附答案


What do you usually do when you have days off?

I enjoy taking a break from myusual routine and engaging in a variety of activities during my leisure time.This includes household chores(做家务),running errands(跑腿),exploring the outdoors, watching films, listening to music, reading, visitinghistorical landmarks or museums, and spending time with loved ones. It'simportant for me to have somedowntime(休息时间)to relax andrecharge.

Do you usually spend your days off with your parentsor with your friends?

1)I love spendingmy downtime with mybeloved(挚爱) family.Home is my favorite place to be, and during breaks, we bond by cooking andenjoying a simple dinner together. We also playboard games(棋牌游戏) late into the night and take short trips, such as going for astroll in the park the next day. Every moment spent with my family is aprecious treat that I cherish, and it makes me look forward to the next oneeven more.

2)Thats an interesting question. Well, my dearcompanions(密友们) are closer in proximity tome than my relatives, so invest a greater portion of my leisure time with them.Returning home on my holidays is quitetedious(乏味) given that I now reside far off. Anyway, chilling out(放松) and catching up with mypals(朋友) is one of the finest ways I find to alleviate my distress andstrains from worldly affairs. So, I make sure to set aside reservations with my circle of friends(朋友圈) often, especially onmy breathing spell.

When was the last time you had a few days off?

Last week, infact, I took a bunch of breathing(喘口气)spells as wewere granted about five consecutive days free from work in honor of Labor Daythis year. The fact that I was able to fly to Nanjing and devote time there tosavoring the native cuisine(当地美食), marveling at(惊叹于)thelush-looking verdant forest, and basking in(沉浸在)thesights of the adorable pandas was nothing short of phenomenal. And though itonly lasted for a fraction of a second, it was exceptionallymemorable(难以忘怀). 

What would you like to do if you had a day offtomorrow?

I’d do allsortsoftherapeutic(治愈的) activities, but nothinglavish(奢侈的). I wouldn't set an alarm for the following morning before going tosleep. My goals would be to chill out, have fun, and take a breather. Inparticular, I'm going to get up and take a brisk run(快跑) on a foggy trail. I'm going to savor a scrumptious Peking duck(北京烤鸭) at the nearby eatery without haste(不慌不忙) before getting a soothing massage. I'll then take a deeper thannormal nap on my comfy mattress. Lastly, Ill go to thegallery just a stones throw away(附近的) from my city, which Ive been dying tovisit. These are the activities Id love to do if I'mgiven a break tomorrow.

