【2023年5-8月话题】Concentration 附答案

【2023年5-8月话题】Concentration 附答案


Did you stay focused in class when you were a child?

1) Absolutely yes. I kept my eyeson the ball in class when I was young. My motherconstantly(不断地)reminded me to toe the line(听从)and behave in a way that wouldn'tincur(遭受)thewrath(愤怒)of my teacher.In that case, I was able to answer the questions accurately and efficientlyduring recitations and written activities. That pointed out(指出)howfocused I was that I was able to retain the information taught by the teacher.

2) Definitely no, I was not focused on my class whenI was a kid since I was a bit of achatterbox(喋喋不休的人)andI couldn't be silent for a long time. I had a tendency to play the classclown(班上的耍宝人物 )and disturb myfriends from the lesson at hand. My teacher would be hopping mad(怒不可遏)atme, and I'd end up getting adressing-down(挨一顿痛骂)frommy mother for my disruptive behavior. As a result, my mother decided to take disciplinaryaction(纪律行动).In short, I am not the kind of child who can takeclasses seriously from beginning to end.

Are you a focused person?

1) I consider myself a focused person.I understand that being focused and concentrating are essential skills requiredto achieve goals. Therefore, I make certain plans tohit the bull’s eye(一针见血).and stay on track to avoid anydiversions andprocrastinations(拖延). If I am losing control over mytask at hand, I put away all the distractions like my phone or any gadgtes. Ialso keep practicing being mindful of my plans and reducemultitasking(多任务处理). Itake breaks in between tasks and try to meditate if I feel vague andinattentive(含糊不清漫不经心).

2) I can’t say that I am a focused person. I have apropensity(倾向) to be easily side-tracked by background noise, which leads me tohave a limited span of attention. I also tend tobite off more than I canchew(超出我的能力范围) and try to do too many thingsat once, which causes me to spread myself too thin. I am aware that Romewasn't built in a day(罗马不是一天建成的), but Istill struggle to take a methodical approach to tasks. Nevertheless, I'm a firmbeliever that every cloud has a silver lining(一线希望), and I'm trying to find ways to turn my weaknesses into strengths.

How do you stay focused?

I practiced several strategies tokeep my eye on the prize. First, I set clear goals and priorities which enableme to stay on track. Second, I weed out(淘汰)potential distractions and nip them in the bud(防患于未然), for example, by putting my smartphone on silent during study time.Third, I take regular short breaks to keep my batteries charged and staysharp(保持警惕) when I get back to work. Inconclusion, maintaining focus is a skill that can be honed withdedication(奉献) andpersistence(坚持).

ls it easy to stay focused in a noisy environment?

1) Personally,I find it quite difficult to stay focused in a noisy environment such as ashopping mall or any entertainment place. I get easilydistracted(注意力分散)byloud noises and find it challenging to concentrate on(集中)thetask at hand. I have to work  in a quiet environment where I canconcentrate better.

2) For me,staying focused in a noisy environment is not a problem at all. In fact, I findthat a bit of background noise can sometimes help me stay focused andproductive(高效),that’s why I prefer to turn on the music when I work fromhome. I have learned to tune out distractions and concentrate on my work, evenin a noisy environment.

