【2023年5-8月话题】Teachers 附答案

【2023年5-8月话题】Teachers 附答案


Do you want to be a teacher in the future?

1)Without a doubt(毫无疑问), yeah! In fact,since I was a child, myultimate goal(终极目标)has been tobecome a teacher. Teaching is in my blood, as most of my family members areelementary and secondary school teachers. When I see them wearing teacher'suniforms and being respected by the public, I realize that teaching is anotable and ideal job. So, in the future, I hope to be one of them.

2)Not at all!(一点也不想) Teaching is not my passion and is most emphatically not my cupof tea(喜好). Teaching, in my opinion, may bea thankless(吃力不讨好) career at times,especially when dealing with unpleasant students. That is why I chose BusinessManagement as my degree in college in order to become a white-collar worker(白领)in the corporation rather than a teacher in thefuture.  

Do you remember one of your teachers?

1)I remember manyteachers, but one high school math teacher stands out(脱颖而出). She was kind and encouraging, and always went the extra mile(加倍努力) to motivate us. She gave small gifts when we did well on exams,which made us feel valued. Her positive impact on me is unforgettable, and I amgrateful for such a dedicated and caring(敬业和关怀) teacher.

1) No,I don't really remember any of my teachers very well.  I've beengraduating for far too long and I can't recall anything particularly memorableabout them. I think this might be because I was a pretty average student (普通学生)anddidn't really stand out(出色)in any of my classes. Also, Iwasn't very interested in school at the time, so I didn't pay as much attentionto my teachers as I probably should have. Looking back(回想起来), Iregret not being more engaged in my education, but at the time, I just didn'tsee the value in it.

Do you have a favorite teacher?

1)Yes definitely! I have heaps of(许多)favoredteachers from different school levels. Still andal(总而言之)l, myEnglish teacher in my high school days is the apple of my eye(掌上明珠) since she is not only drop-dead gorgeous(美极了)in and out(从里到我) but also excellent inher profession. I wasn't particularly proficient in English before, but her teachingmethods piqued my interest in learning the language. So, she is my all-timefavorite teacher. 

2)Well, I'm afraid I don't have one. Honestly, Im not the type of person who easilyidolizes(崇拜) someone. As for me, all teachers are the same. I don't feel unique,regardless of the impact they have on me. So, I donthave themost-liked(最喜欢) teacher and theleast-liked(最不喜欢) one. Just so so(一般般)!

