【2023年5-8月话题】Fixing things 附答案

【2023年5-8月话题】Fixing things 附答案


Did anybody teach you to fix things when you were a child?

1)Without a doubt(毫无疑问),yes. When I was a child, I accidentally broke my toy and my dad came over toextendpatience(延长耐心)to teach me to fix it. Moreover, Ivividly(清晰地)rememberasking my mother for assistance in fixing my garden after our dog startedplaying in it. They gave me a lot of advice on how to handle variouscircumstances(各种情况)and how to stop becoming irritatedeasily(容易被激怒).

2)Asan independent child, I believe that I can trust myself to fix certain things.Isteadfastly(坚定地)refused to ask for assistancesince I strongly believed in mycapabilities(能力)andstrengthsfor fixing a particular thing. Moreover, given that my parentstaught me to be independent, I am also quite pleased with myself for understandingthat I can accomplish more on my own. Thus, I refuse to ask for helpinghands(援助之手)from others every time I encounter problems.

Do you think it is necessary for people to learn to fix things?

1) Certainly, yes. To a certainpoint(在某种程度上), it appears it's essential for individuals to learnhow to fix things. Some of the advantages of learning basic repair techniquesinclude the ability to save money byeliminating(消除)theneed toemploy professionals(雇佣专业人士)or buy newproducts, as well as the obvious gain inself-sufficiency(自给自足).People can become more independent and self-sufficient by learning how to fixthings, which can boost one’sself-esteem(提高自尊心).

2) In myperspective, learning how to fix things is not something that everyone needs todo. Today's society has access to awide range(广泛程度的)ofgoods and services that make it simple for consumers toupgrade(提升)orreplace assets rather than fix them. In addition, repairs might take time andcall forspecific knowledge(特定知识)or tools that not everyone mayhave access to or be eager to acquire. Last but not least, there are expertsand services offered to assist with repairs, so people may rely on them ratherthan mending things themselves.

What do you do when a thing is broken and cannot be fixed?

 In thiscase, if there is a broken thing that I can't fix, I believe I will findanother approach to avoid dumping(倾销)it away. Ihave to recycle that item if it will be utilized again(再次利用). Bydoing this, we may contribute to amore sustainable(可持续的)wayof living and waste reduction. Recycling objects can be a creative thinking andproblem-solving exercise that is entertaining(有趣的)and fascinating(迷人的). To reduce environmental damage,it should be recycled if possible. Otherwise, it should be disposed(有倾向的)ofcorrectly.

