【2023年5-8月话题】Bgas 附答案

【2023年5-8月话题】Bgas 附答案


Do you usually carry a bag?

1)Absolutely. Whether it's arun-of-the-mill(平凡的) orout-of-the-ordinary(不平凡的) day, I always make sure to carrymiscellaneous(各种各样的) bags. It is also one of my cups of tea since it's convenient for meto take various things such as cosmetics, mobile phones, keys, and so on. Then,I also utilize it as mydecorations(装饰物) become moreglamorous(光彩夺目) in the eyesof the people. In short, it makes meelegant(优雅)andgrandstanding my personality(彰显个性).

2)Definitely not, Bag is not a necessary item for me  since Idon't have anything to put inside of it. Besides, I'm scared to death (担心得要命) that I might lose track of it, especially if I put somecrucial(重要的) things like my mobile phone or money in it. It is also inconvenientfor me to lift, not only because it's heavy but also because it'stroublesome(麻烦) to put it anywhere.

What kinds of bags do you like to carry when you aretraveling?

It depends on the situation. Forindoor activities, a backpack purse is comfortable and stylish, with pocketsfor my personal belongings. When taking pictures outside, my camera bag isessential. For mountain climbing, I prefer my trekking backpack(登山包), whichhas a large capacity for my camp gear.

Do you change your bags often?

1)Of course, since I'd like to do all manner of(各种)activities with distinctive bags, I can suit them, whether they'retypical(经典款) orbizarre(小众款). Besides, I'dlike to have different kinds of items in my backpack, which is the apple of myeye. If I take part in parties, clutch or purse bags are stylish andexquisite(精致) to bring and wear. In a word, Iflip-flop(摇摆不定) decisions depending on the state of affairs in my life.

2) No, I tend to keep the same bagfor a long time until it's worn out(坏掉)or no longersuitable for my needs. I prioritizehigh-quality(高品质),durable(耐用)bags over having the latest fashion accessories. I valuefunctionality(功能性)andlongevity(耐用性)overvariety(多样性)inmy bag collection.

Is a bag an ideal gift?

1)Of course, whether a person is fond of thiskind of thing or not, I believe that it is a great idea for anyone to becognizant of it since they utilize it in their day-to-day lives(日常生活). In fact, it is an astonishing(叹为观止)item to receive as a present if it is stylish enough to fit in ourwardrobe and fashion taste(时尚品味).In anutshell(总之), it is a littleintrospection of our lifestyle whenever and wherever we go.

2)A bag may not be a suitable gift for everyone as it's not anecessity(必需品). Whether it's a good gift ornot depends on the person's needs and style. For instance, someone who carriesfew things might not need a large bag, while afashion-conscious(风格喜好)individual may have specific preferences(特定品味). Thus, I wouldn't consider a bag as an ideal gift.

Did you use a backpack when you were a child?

1)Of course, because it used to be the most reliable way for me tocarry all my stuff. I can barely remember since I started to go to school. My mom lavished upon(赠送) me amind-blowing(棒极了) backpack that had the design of Melody, which was a cat from HelloKitty. It was alsohigh-quality(高质量) since I was able to utilize it for a few years in middle school. In a word, atthat time, I was on cloud nine(兴奋) andmotivated to make my way to school.

2)Absolutely not, because I can barely remember(记不起) my mom usually being the one to haul all my stuff every time we relish in(享受) the park or every timewe hit the road. I also used to kick up a fuss(大惊小怪) with my parents way back then if they could give me anything tocarry since those wereburdensome(很重),such as bottled water or towels for my sweats. So, I didn't derivepleasure from bringing any kinds of bags. 

