【2023年5-8月话题】lce cream 附答案

【2023年5-8月话题】lce cream 附答案


Do you like ice cream?

1)Of course. To the fact that Im experiencingdrawbacks(缺点) in my life that I needsomething toalleviate(减轻). It is alsoone thing thattruncates(缩短) my burden atschool or at work, especially since it has my favorite flavor, which ischocolate. Besides, it also has aone-of-a-kind(独一味二的) taste for mein comparison(相比之下) to other desserts. They are mygrease for the wheels(车轮润滑油) ofpartaking in(参与) mysadness and facing my battles again.

2)Frankly speaking, that would be a nay for me. To tell you honestly,Im a pigeonholed person who is veryprecautious(警惕的) when it comes to my health. Sometimes Icome across(偶遇) it as a source ofannihilating(消灭) my healthy lifestyle, especially in maintaining my body weight andshape. Even though there are a lot of hearsays that ice cream issucculent(多汁的) with a sweet taste, its a nix for me.

Did you eat ice cream when you were a child?

1)Yes, precisely. I used toguzzle(狂饮) it way back when I was young, since I had an ice cream addiction upuntil that point. When I dig into the past of my childhood, it was always ourfirstinclination(倾向)to have dessert withour family. We always indulgein ice cream throughout the summer, whichis one of ourwished-for(渴望的) seasons ofthe year. Additionally, eating ice cream gave me the feeling of being oncloud nine(极其快乐), which makes my dayperfect, especially when done with an object of one's affection.

2)To think back on my life in this circumstance could be quitechallenging, in my opinion. I believed it would betremendously arduous(极其艰巨) since my parents werestringent(严格的) about the food I coulddevour. As far back as I canremember, my parents were picky about the dishes or meals I could eat. Eventhough I absolutely like ice cream, theirconstellations(星座) for food influenced my eating habits to some degree. As a result, Ionly ever had ice cream as a child while I was away from them.

Are there shops selling ice cream near the placewhere you live?

1)Absolutely, indeed. There arean array of(一批) ice cream standsa stones throwaway(一步之遥) from myhumble(谦逊的)home that have reallybargain-basement(低廉的) prices. You cansingle-out(挑选) one of theirconsiderable number of(大量的)flavors based on your personal preference for sweets. Furthermore,there are somesensational(耸人听闻的) icecream options they can offer. The products are unique because of theiridiosyncratic(独特的) taste in addition to the owner'sendearing(惹人喜爱的) personality.

2)Well, not really. In my opinion, there is only one shop left thatsells ice cream items, and it's closing down for anunspecified(未准确说明的) reason. Apart from that, just a small number of peoplec them,and I am unaware of any recent developments on whether they are still inbusiness. Anyway, since it's aviable(切实可行的) location for them to sell their goods, ice cream shopproprietors(所有者) are frequently found close to colleges and universities.

Can you make ice cream yourself?

1)Yes i can. Asthe child of parents whose passion is cooking and making desserts, Ive been taught how to make ice cream by myself. As for me, its a blessing in disguise(塞翁失马焉知非福) to have experienced making ice cream by a dime of dozen. I used to jump the gun(行动过早,草率行事)when I was 10 yearsold, when my parents gave me enlightenment on my passion for cooking andbaking. I allow myself to hang in there and be passionate about it, for Ibelieve this is aonce-in-a-blue-moon(千载难逢) opportunity for lifelong knowledge.

2)I hate to disagree, but Im only good atfeasting on ice cream rather than cooking. Without any lies, Ive beenwoolgathering(空想) ofmaking ice cream on my own, but it will get out of hand(失控) and be a total disaster for me. I believe that I should wrap myhead around(使我理解)the fact that cooking canbe anoble(高尚的) job that I cant take charge of. As of now, eating ice cream is better than makingit in order to circumvent disarray(避开混乱).

