【2023年5-8月话题】Rain 附答案

【2023年5-8月话题】Rain 附答案


Do you like rainy days?

1)Absolutely yes,Despite the drawbacks, rainy days remain my favorite type of weather. Living ina seaside city, rain is a blessing that increases water inreservoirs(水库),hydrates(滋润) the land, andlowers the temperature. I love watchingraindrops(雨滴) on my window while sipping coffee, as it's a beautiful sight and areminder of good times.

2)I'm afraid not.While there are benefits to rain, there are also drawbacks. Rain can makeroads slick(路面光滑) and cause accidents due to poor visibility(能见度低). It can also createbreeding grounds for mosquitoes and causeflooding(洪水),anderosion(侵蚀). I can'tstand these things happening.

Does it rain much in your city?

1)Thats true, it does rain quite a bit in mycity, especially during the monsoon season (季风季节) which lasts from June to September. During this time, we can get heavyrainfall (暴雨)for days on end, which cancauseflooding(地滑) and other issues. Ithink the frequent rain is one of the defining characteristics of the climatein my city, and it's something that locals have learned to adapt to over time.We always make sure to carry umbrellas and rain jackets with us.

2) No, itdoesn't really rain that much in my city, at least not compared to some otherparts of the country. We do get some rainy days throughout the year, especiallyin the spring and fall, but overall the climate is fairly dry and temperate(温和的). Infact, we often have long stretches of sunny weather with very littleprecipitation. That being said, when it does rain, it can be quite heavy andcause some minor flooding inlow-lying areas (低洼区域). Butoverall, I wouldn't say that rain is a major feature of the weather in my city.

Would you like to live in a place that is dry orwet?

1) Given thechoice, I would definitely prefer to live in a dry place. In my opinion, amoist environment can bring about a lot of challenges that could make dailylife more difficult. For example, if it's constantly raining, it can be toughto get clothes dry or to grow plants, and some moderngadgets(小配件)andequipment may not be completelywaterproof(防水的). Ivalue stability and predictability, and I think that a dry environment canoffer that in a way that a wet one cannot. So, I personally feel that a dryplace is the better option for me. 

2) I wouldn'tnecessarily prefer to live in a place that is dry over a wet one. The mainreason is that I enjoy outdoor activities like hiking and camping, which Ithink would be moreenjoyable(有趣)in a wet climate where there aremore opportunities for exploring natural areas. Although each type of climatehas its own advantages and disadvantages, If I had to choose between two, I'dconsider wet locations.

