【2023年5-8月话题】Favorite day 附答案

【2023年5-8月话题】Favorite day 附答案


Which day is your favorite day?

It’s definitely Sunday because I can relax, engage in leisureactivities and loosen up(放松) from myhectic(紧张忙乱的) academic schedule. Apart from that, I can rub elbows(交际) with my family and friends such as eating superb cuisine(美味佳肴) in afancy(昂贵的) restaurantand can watch our favorite tv show. Besides, exploring amazing places that are easyon the eye(好看的) and going the extra mile iswhat we favored. In a nutshell, days like these are what I treasured and alwayslook forward to.

Which day is your least favorite day?

Obviously, as astudent, Monday is always theidlest(懒惰)day in theentire week so far and I usually feel so blue(感到忧郁)after a relaxing weekend. Additionally, I need to get up early to attend mymorning classes and take responsibility for my studies. During these times Ioften feel burned out(筋疲力尽)andinundated(淹没)with the heavy workload and challenging schedule. To sum up, it makes me feelsodemotivated(消极的)andsluggish(行动迟缓的)with a sense of dissatisfaction and unhappiness.

How do you usually spend your time?

As a student, Iusually spend my spare time doing paperwork,engaging(参与)inextracurricular activities, and completing projects and assignments. However, Ialso have some time tosocialize(社交)with my friends and enjoy my personaltime(私人时间)which can be my chance to recharge my batteries(恢复精神). Inaddition, Iprioritize(优先)my physical health by engaging inactivities such as running and going to the gym, which help me stay fit and inshape. Lastly, I ensure that I complete all my tasks and responsibilitiesbefore the end of each day.

Are weekdays and weekends the same for you?

1) Sure! For me, weekdays andweekends are equally important. During the weekdays, I focus on my academicresponsibilities(学术义务), like attending classes andstudying for exams. And on the weekends, I dedicate time to academicpursuits(学术研究), such as reviewing my notes and working on projectsthat require extra attention. Overall, I try to strike a balance between myacademic goals and personal growth, and I believe both weekdays and weekendscontribute to that.

2) No, they are not the same.Weekdays and weekends hold different significance in my life as a Chinesestudent. On weekdays, I prioritize fulfilling my academic duties, attendingclasses, studying hard, and completing assignments within a fixed schedule. Onthe other hand, weekends are a chance for me to unwind and take a break from myacademic obligations, giving me the opportunity to engage in activities that Ienjoy and spend time with family and friends. This balance between my academicpursuits and personal life is crucial for my overall growth and well-being.

