【2023年5-8月话题】Friends 附答案

【2023年5-8月话题】Friends 附答案


How important are friends to you?

Well for me,friends are really important for they provide emotional support for people, asense ofbelongingness(归属感), and opportunities forsocializing and fun activities. These are some simple elements that make havingfriendsworthy(有价值的), andfascinating(吸引人的)atall times. In fact, having friends can also offer differentperspectives(观点)andopinions that would challenge one’s beliefs, and help one grow as aperson. Overall, having close friends can be verybeneficial(有益的) for ones mental health, happiness, andpersonal development. 

Do you often go out with your friends?

1)Yes, of course, we often go out with my friends, because it servesas our time to make ourselves feeltranquil(宁静的), most especially when we feelexhausted(疲惫的) from our whole day of (working/studying). In addition, whenever wego outside, we usually drop by a restaurant, coffee shop, or any entertainmentfacilities(娱乐设施) that would make us feel overthe moon(高兴) while spending time together.After all, it's our way of making ourselves living in comfort and luxury withfew problems or worries. 

2) Actually, wedon’t often go out with my friends, because as (a student/ an employee),I always make time for what Iprioritize(优先), and so do my friends also. In fact, we just use the internet tohave a video call or to make time to  have a small talk(闲聊) together. For me, as we get older or become an early adult, hangingout with friends sometimes comes with what suits our time or schedule, and Idont think theres anythingwrong with that. Thus, going out with friends could guarantee a colorful bond,but at the same time may affect our priorities. 

Where do you often meet each other?

Well, we oftensee each other meeting in a place where we could feel blissful(喜悦的)andsatisfied(满足的)at the same time. It’s actually like in a shopping mall, restaurants, coffee shops, andother entertainment facilities. Moreover, spending time with friends in theseplaces gives an over the moon feeling catching up(追赶) with how life has been recently, and our achievements. After all,its the enjoyment and contentment(享受和满足) that matters the most when meeting with friends. 

What do you usually do with your friends?

Specifically,my friends and I love to catch up over some good food and drinks. We'll usuallychoose a restaurant or cafe to meet up at, and then spend a few hours chattingabout what's been happening in our lives. Sometimes we'll also plan a funactivity, like going to see a movie or trying out a new hobby together. I findthat these kinds of shared experiences really bring us closer as friends andhelp us to bond on a deeper level. Plus, it's always nice to have people tolaugh and have a good time with

