

Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write an essay on how to balance work and leisure. You should write at least 150 words but no more than 200 words.

How to Balance Job Responsibilities and Personal Interests
①In today's highly competitive environment, the heavy workload makes people out of breath and leaves them no time for their hobbies. ②Therefore, learning to balance job responsibilities and personal interests is of great significance for modern people. ③Here are some suggestions which can help us achieve the balance.

In the first place, we should be aware that although work duties are our first priority, it doesn't mean that we cannot explore personal interests. ④ Secondly, it's important to realize that beneficial activities off work help us get relaxed. ⑤We can transfer our focus from busy work by reading an interesting book or listening to music, thereby getting our intense nerves calm down. ⑥What's more, find enough time to develop our hobbies by finishing the task on time. ⑦We should arrange our time reasonably and complete our daily work efficiently, which will give us more freedom to allocate time to pursue personal interests.

⑧In sum, it is absolutely doable to strike a balance between full-time work and personal hobbies as long as we realize the benefit of cultivating interests and the importance of reasonable time arrangement.

1. 介词In引导原因,用therefore, 说明工作与兴趣平衡的重要性, Here引导的倒装句,带了一个定语从句,提出如何平衡的建议。
2. …..learning to balance job responsibilities and personal interests的句子成分是什么?
Body(正文): 注意In the first place, secondly , what’s more,In sum的用法,分析详见上一套。第7句是一个什么句子类型,简单句,并列句,还是复合句? Doable, strike a balance是什么意思?
3. 注意这三个由介词by 引出的平行结构,reading an interesting book or listening to music, thereby getting our intense nerves calm down.写长句未必一定用从句,并列句,复合句。平行结构也可以担负起讲故事,辨是非,上下而求索的重任。

Conclusion(结论): 与上一篇相同,一句话就是一段. It 导出的是一个形式主语。 请问as long as 是什么从句?

