How do you rate your conflict management skills

How do you rate your conflict management skills


How Do You Rate Your Conflict Management Skills?


No matter where you go in life or who you meet conflicts are bound to happen. They are just part of life and there is no point in denying that. A conflict is different to an argument or fight. Having the right skills to deal with a conflict is important for everyone.


A conflict is a disagreement or a difference of opinion between two or more people. Those people with good conflict management skills will know how to turn these differences into a positive experience for everyone involved.


Many people who are difficult to get along with often have poor conflict management skills. They often tend to always want to be right and make a conflict out of almost any issue. This type of person may be viewed as angry and aggressive by others. Children with this disposition are thought of as bullies.


Everyone has a different level of conflict management skills. There are those people that seem to be born with the ability to diffuse any situation effortlessly. Then there are others that refuse to get involved and simply walk away.


It is important to understand that anyone can learn how to become good at managing a conflict. You just need to be willing to learn how to accomplish this.


One skill that you will need to improve to become a better manager of conflicts is the skill of listening. You must have the ability to listen to both sides of the story and then make a decision. You cannot agree with just one person, you need to be fair to both sides and they must be happy with the end result.


Knowing how to manage people is another skill that you will need to acquire. You will have to talk with people individually, or in a group setting, and show them how to get the conflict resolved. This means not getting mad or angry at anyone. You should have a calm appearance and be able to keep a level head.


Someone who can resolve conflicts successfully will know how to turn negative behaviours into positive ones. They will know when to encourage people and when to take a firmer stand with them. They will not allow any type of conflict to become a battle, where the last one standing is declared the winner. Instead, everyone involved should walk away happy with the outcome.


Take a look at the skills mentioned above and see how you rate yourself on these. Is there room for improvement and are you prepared to take action in order to develop better conflict management skills?


