5B an opera tale (下)双语

5B an opera tale (下)双语


 Chapter 4 第四章
''It's time to share your research ,'' said Miss Leung at the next History Club. 
The new girl with Light brown hair bounced over to Meg .
 "I'm so happy we can talk this week . ' she said . ''I'm Emma. ''
' Hi' said Meg , trying to smile . 'I wish I was as excited as you . I tried to do some research . but it was too difficult .
Meg showed Emma her research . It was just a few words on a single page .
' None of my friends or family could help me,'' explained Meg .
 ''We'll have to tell Miss Leung we can't do the presentation. ''
''Don't worry , Meg ,'' said Emma . ''I know
about Cantonese opera . In fact , I'm performing at the Opera House in June .''

chapter 5 第五章
Meg and Emma's group was the last to perform .
 As they went on stage , there was a hush . 
The girls Looked fantastic in their costumes . 
Meg and Emma sang beautifully and explained the history of the wonderful music. 
''It's time to announce the winners!''
said Miss Leung as everyone clapped and cheered
''I hope it's us ! 'whispered Meg. 
' Congratulations , Meg and Emma. ''said Miss Leung . ''You've won tickets to see the Cantonese opera in June .''
Emma Laughed . ''I can't go ,'' she said. 
''That's where I'm performing. '' 
Meg and Emma ran to Grandpa , who was in
the audience. 
''Grandpa !'' called Meg. 
''Emma says you can have her ticket . We
can watch her perform together .''
" Fantastic , ' said Grandpa . ' I can't wait. ''

one of the periods in a school year
welcome 欢迎
used to greet a person who has just arrived
partner 拍档
someone  works closely with
teammate 队友
a person in the same group or team
research 研究
a study into something to find things out
presentation 演讲
a talk which gives information and explains
things to a group of people
Cantonese opera  粤剧
an opera performed in Cantonese where performers put on Special make-up and clothes
Hungary 匈牙利
 a country located in central Europe
Opera House剧院
a theatre where operas are performed to an
engineer 工程师
a person whose job it is to build machines and other structures
perform 表演
to entertain people on stage , e.g. by dancing ,
singing and acting
section 部分
a certain area or part of a larger thing
backstage 后台
 the space behind the stage
audience 观众
the people who watch or listen to a performance
in fact 其实
traditional 传统的
relating to some customs that have continued for a long time
decoration 装饰
 items that make a place look more beautiful
announce 宣布
to make a public statement about something important
hush 安静
a sudden silence
congratulations 祝贺
an expression of happiness about Someone's

