5A April Fool's 愚人节双语(上)

5A April Fool's 愚人节双语(上)


 chapter 1第一章
''What's the date today ?'' asked Nick. 
''The thirty-first of March ,'' said Meg ''Why ?''
''I think we should have some fun ,''
said Nick . He had a mysterious smile on his face.尼克说,他的脸上露出了一个神秘的笑容
''It's the first of April tomorrow ,'' said Meg . 
''April Fools Day .'' “愚人节呀”
''Exactly ! ' said Nick。 “完全正确”尼克说道
''We can play a trick on someone ,'' said Meg
' But who ?''
" I know someone who loves tricks , ' said
Nick . " Can you guess ? "
Meg Laughed . ''Thats no mystery ,'' she said . ''Is Jack. ''  梅格笑了,“啊,这不是什么秘密”她说道,“那是杰克。”
" Right , ' said Nick . ''He loves playing pranks on people. ''
" He put plastic spiders in my bed last year , ''said Meg
' He tied my shoelaces together ,'' said Nick . 
''Let's search online  for some tricks to play
on him.'' 
That night , Meg and Nick sneaked into Jack's house . They had a fantastic plan. 
''Where is it ? " whispered Meg. 
She and Nick wore dark clothes . They tiptoed through the kitchen , making no sound. 
''Look in the cupboard by the window.'' said Nick
''It's not here ,'' said Meg . She opened another cupboard and peered inside. 
''I've found it 'Meg pulled out a Large orange
bowl . “我找到它了”梅格拿出了一个大橘红色的碗。
This was Jack's favourite bowl , and he ate breakfast from it every day. 
''Hurry , ' said Nick as Meg poured cereal and milk into the orange bowl .
Then it was time for the best part of the trick . 
Nick carefully carried the bowl of cereal to the freezer .
''Jack wakes up at seven ,'' said Meg. 
' Let's come back at five to seven and finish our prank. 
The children Laughed quietly and sneaked away .

Chapter 2 第二章
The next morning , Meg and Nick put Jack's bowl on the table .
 It was exactly where his mum usually put it , with a spoon next to it. 
They went outside and watched the kitchen through the window. 
' Here he comes ,' whispered Meg. 
Jack rubbed his eyes as he sat down at the table . He yawned Loudly. 
Jack picked up his spoon , ready to toke
a big bite of his favourite chocolate cereal. 
He was very hungry. 
Clink ! 叮当
His spoon hit the milk , but it didn't go in .
" What ? " Jack said . He tried to eat his cereal again. 
Clink !叮当
" What's happening ?'' he asked . He couldn't put his spoon into the milk . " I can't eat my breakfast . It's solid. ''
Jack's stomach rumbled , but it was soon time to go to school . 杰克的肚子咕噜噜叫,但是很快到了上学的时间了
He quickly got dressed and picked up his packed lunch.他快速的穿好衣服,然后拿起了,他已经打包好的午饭
Meg and Nick ran to the front of the house . 
They giggled quietly while they waited . 
Then Jack walked out , and they all went to school
Meg and Nick smiled at each other as they walked . 梅格和尼克在路上彼此相视而笑
They were excited about the rest of April Fools'Day. 

Chapter 3第三章
By lunchtime , Jack's stomach was rumbling Loudly
" What have you got for Lunch today ?'' asked Nick , trying not to laugh. 
Jack opened his lunchbox " Hotdogs and ketchup ,'' said Jack . ''Delicious !''
Meg and Nick smiled at each other .
''They Look Lovely ,'' said Meg . ''I hope you enjoy them .''
Jack took a big bite of his Lunch
" Yuck ! ' shouted Jack .
" What's wrong ? asked Nick. 
''This isn't a hotdog ,'' said Jack . ''It's a chocolate biscuit. ''
''But you love chocolate biscuits , don't you ?'' said Meg. 
Jack threw his lunch in the bin . ''I don't like them with ketchup on. ''
' Oh dear . ' said Nick. 
''I'll just have my juice ,'' said Jack as his stomach rumbled . He took a big gulp from his bottle. 
Meg and Nick smiled at each other again. 
" Yuck ! ' shouted Jack . He spat out his drink . 
''That's not juice . It's chilli sauce ''
' Oh , ' said Meg . 'That's terrible. ''
" Yes ,'' added Nick .'' It's very strange. ''

