5B an opera tale (上)双语

5B an opera tale (上)双语


Chapter 1第一章
''History club starts again tomorrow ,'' Meg
told Daisy on the first day of the new school term .
 ''We're going to do projects on the history of Hong Kong . Why don't you Join the club ?''
''Oh , l'm not sure ,'' said Daisy quietly . ''I don't know much about history. ''
''Don't worry ! ''said Meg . ''We'll work together.'' 
The next day , Meg and Daisy went to History Club together. 
" Welcome , everyone ! ' said Miss Leung
''I'm pleased to see so many new people
including some new students to our school . 
Each project team can have one new student and one person from History Club last term. ''
''That's great ! 'whispered Daisy . ' I can be with you , Meg. ''
But when Miss Leung chose the teams she made sure that people weren't working with their friends. 
' It's not fair ! 'cried Daisy . ''Why do I have to work with Marcus from maths class ? I want to work with you . Meg !''
She Looked at Megs partner , who was
a new girl with Light brown hair , and sighed. 
' Please don't start working with your partners now ,'' said Miss Leung .
 ''All students need to do research on their own first . You can say hello to your teammates , but don't share your ideas until History Club next week. ''
Meg's partner put a finger to her lips and smiled. 
''You have three weeks to prepare your presentations '', Miss Leung explained . ''The best one will get a prize !''
Meg and Daisy Listened as Miss Leung read out the topics for each team .
''Oh dear !'' sighed Meg as she heard hers . ''That's hard !''

Chapter 2 第二章
''Cantonese opera ,'' cried Meg after History Club . ''I don't know anything about it. ''
She and Daisy were waiting for the bus home
''My topic is Buildings of Hong Kong ,''
said Daisy happily .
 ''That's an easy one . I can take some photos . I think Marcus's mum , who's an engineer , can tell us some interesting facts too . Can anyone help you ?''
''Grandpa Likes Cantonese opera , ' said Meg . 
' But he's on holiday , and I won't see him until the day of the presentation. ''
''Maybe your teammate can help , ' said
" She's not from Hong Kong ,'' said Meg sadly , ' so she won't know anything about Cantonese opera. ''
''Is she the girl whos from Hungry ? " asked Daisy . 
That's a strange name for a country . ''Do you think they don't have enough food there ?''
' It's Hungary not Hungry , Laughed Meg . ' 
And they have delicious food there . But it's in Europe , where they don't have Cantonese opera . What shall I do ?''

Chapter 3 第三章
Meg thought about her topic all day
''l know ! ' she decided . ' If I don't know anyone who can help me , I should talk to someone new. ''
Meg went to the Opera House to speak to the singers . 
She found the building and waited by the backstage door . But no one came. 
Meg walked to the main door of the building , but it was closed . 
Then she saw a sign that said the Opera House would be shut until June. 
' Oh dear , she thought . Now what shall I do ? ' Meg went to her favourite place , the Library
''Where are the books about Cantonese opera , please ? ' she asked the Librarian. 
''Those books are in the history section , said the Librarian .
 ' But they're quite hard because they're for grown-ups. ''
" I'd like to try '', said Meg . But when she looked at the books , she sighed
' They're enormous , and I can't understand them. ''
Meg started her research , but it was slow. 
''The Librarian was right ,'' thought Meg
''It's too difficult. ''
Soon it was time to go home . Mum arrived and asked Meg why she looked sad. 
My topic is too hard , sighed Meg . ' I haven't found out anything for my  teams presentation. ''

