5B Eclipse 日蚀双语(下)

5B Eclipse 日蚀双语(下)


Chapter 4 第四章
''Oh dear ,'' said Nick . ''What can we do ?''
Jack wasn't listening . He picked up a fruit rocket and flew it through the air. 
''We're on a mission to the moon , ' said Jack , turning his fruit rocket in circles. 
''We'll find some aliens and bring them back to Earth''
" That's it ! 'said Meg . 'I know what we can do. ''
She tipped her craft box over and poured everything onto the blanket .
Then she explained her idea to Nick and Jack . The boys were excited. 
Meg , Nick and Jack worked very hard.
Soon they had everything ready . They ran into the living room and closed all the doors and curtains . Meg ran across the room and turned off the TV. 
''What's happening ? ' asked Bugbug
''It's dark in here . ' said Twist . '' I can't see anything. ''
Meg turned on a torch and pointed it at the ceiling. 
' The sun is a yellow ball of fire ,'' Meg said in a Loud voice . ''It shines over everything. ''
Jack threw some glitter through the torchlight , and it sparkled. 
Nick drummed on the table , getting faster and faster .
''Sometimes ,'' Meg said , " it disappears .''
Meg used a piece of black paper to slowly cover the torch. ''
The circle of Light on the ceiling got smaller and smaller. 

Chapter 5 第五章
Bugbug and Twist clapped at Megs eclipse . Jack turned the Light on again , and the bookworms Looked at the children. 
Jack was dressed as an alien , and Meg and Nick were wearing spacesuits. 
" We made these from things in the craft box , ''said Meg ' It's OK if you don't want a space day , but let's do something fun together .''
Bugbug and Twist Looked at each other and smiled. 
''Thank you ! ' said Bugbug. 
" You're great friends ,'' said Twist . "I know what I want to do today. ''
''What ?''asked Meg. 
''I want to watch lots of eclipses ! ' said Twist . She turned off the Light and Looked up at the ceiling . I'm staying right here all day and enjoying this !

burst 爆,冲
move in a sudden
eclipse 日蚀
when the sun is covered by moon
blanket 毯子 
a cover ( e.g. on a bed ) to keep someone warm
alien 外星人
a Living thing that is not from Earth
gaze 凝视
to keep looking at someone or something for a long time
to look briefly and quickly
glitter 闪片
small pieces of shiny material used for decoration
pinhole 针孔
a very Small hole
poke 穿刺
to make a hole by pushing a pointed object through something
creep 爬行
to move slow and steadily
to not be able to be seen , to go out of sight
amazement 惊异
strong feelings of surprise
 still 停止
not moving
partial 部分
not complete , only part of something
an Important task
tip over 翻转
has to turn something upside down
sparkle 闪光,火花
to shine brightly and with flashes
drum 敲鼓
to make a noise by hitting something with
the hand
celling 天花板
 the top inside surface of a room
spacesuit 太空服
clothing to wear when travelling in space

