5B caught red-handed双语(上)

5B caught red-handed双语(上)


caught red-handed当场抓住
Chapter 1
Meg picked up a bottle of red food colouring . Is this for the lava ? ' she asked . ' It's so bright!'
梅格拿起一瓶红色食用色素。 这是用来做熔岩的吗?  ' 她问 。  “这颜色真亮!”
Nick opened a box of cocoa powder
" Is this for the mud ? ,'' he asked .'' It smells
delicious. ''
" You're both very excited today ' Aunt Sam Laughed. “今天你们俩都很激动嘛。”山姆阿姨笑了。
' We can't wait to make the volcano cake , ''cried Meg. 
''It's our first one!''``这是我们第一次做!''
Aunt Sam explained that the delicious volcano cake also made smoke. 山姆姨妈解释了如何制作美味的火山蛋糕并让它冒烟。
" Smoke ! ' cried Meg .'' Jack will be so excited ! He Loved Last years submarine cake , but this is better. ''
''Jack Loves science ''. said Nick . ''so this
special cake is perfect for his party . But
how does a cake make smoke ?''
“杰克热爱科学”。 尼克说。  ''所以这个特别的蛋糕非常适合他的生日派对。 但是你怎么让蛋糕冒烟的?''
''You'll see '' Aunt Sam said . ''We've been going to use ice. ''
“你看着就知到了。”山姆阿姨说。  ``我们要开始使用一些冰。  ''
Meg and Nick Listened to Aunt Sams instructions and mixed the ingredients. 
But they were so excited that they nearly
replaced the sugar with salt ! Then Meg dropped a bag of flour on the floor. 
但是他们过于激动了,差点用盐代替了糖! 然后梅格把一袋面粉掉到了地板上。
''Be careful , 'Nick whispered as the
white-powder cloud disappeared into the
air . ''Aunt Sam just cleaned the house for
the party. ''
“小心点,” 尼克小声说道。
 白色面粉云消失在空气中。 “山姆姨妈刚刚为了生日派对整理完房子。”

Chapter 2第二章
As the cake cooked in the oven , Aunt Sam showed Meg and Nick how to produce the smoke. 当蛋糕在烤箱中烤制时,山姆阿姨向梅格和尼克展示了如何产生烟雾。
" Scientists call this dry ice ,'' she explained . ''It has a sub-zero temperature, so I need to wear special gloves to protect my hands .'' She took a spoon and put the dry ice in a glass of water. 
Poof !砰!
Smoke appeared in the glass . It swirled around and soon overflowed onto the table. 玻璃杯里冒烟了。 它旋转着上升,很快就溢出到桌子上了。
''It's like a science experiment ,'' Meg
said . 
The smoke moved slowly towards
Meg , and she jumped away , frightened
' Be careful ! 'cried Nick . 
 ' 小心 ! 尼克喊道。
But it was too Late. 但是为时已晚。
Thump !噗通!
Meg crashed into the kitchen counter ,
knocking over the bottle of red food colouring . 梅格撞到了厨房柜台,撞倒了那瓶红色食用色素。
The box of cocoa fell over too sending a cloud of brown powder into the air .
 Pieces of chocolate dropped on the ground and bounced around Meg's feet. 
Megs face was red . ''I'm so sorry ,'' she said . ' l'll clean it up. ''
“梅格的脸红透了。  “我很抱歉,''她说。 我会把这里清理干净的。  ''
''What was that ?'' shouted Jack from the other room . ''Is my cake ready ?''
“发生什么了?”杰克从另一个房间喊道。  ``我的蛋糕准备好了吗?''
' No . Jack , ' said Aunt Sam . ''Don't worry .''
“不需要, 杰克,”山姆姨妈说。  “别担心。”
''Are you sure you don't need my help ?'' asked Jack , pushing open the kitchen door .
“Wait a little Longer , Jack .” Laughed  Aunt Sam .“再等一会儿,杰克” 山姆阿姨笑着说。
But as she started to help Meg , her smile soon disappeared. 但是当她开始帮助梅格时,她的笑容很快消失了。

Chapter 3 第三章
" What's that ? " Aunt Sam asked quietly , pointing at a biscuit tin on a high shelf. 
Meg and Nick Looked at each other .梅格和尼克都看着对方。
" What's what ? ' asked Jack , walking into the kitchen . ''Do you need me to help ?''
' No , Jack , ' said Aunt Sam . ''Meg and Nick can explain what's happened here. ''
“不,杰克,”山姆阿姨说。 梅格和尼克可以解释这里发生了什么。  ''
Aunt Sam stared at Meg and Nick for a long time . 
They felt like the criminals that she caught in her job. 
Aunt Sam took down the tin from the high shelf. 山姆阿姨从高架子上取下了锡罐。
' Look , ' she said , pointing with a gloved
finger . 
''This is a fingerprint . At work , we use science to Look for fingerprints made by criminals . 
“这是一个指纹, 在工作中,我们用科学的方法寻找制造指纹的罪犯。
This cocoa is Like the special powder we use. ''
 这种可可粉就像我们使用的特殊粉末。  ''
The children didn't say anything. 孩子们什么都没说。
''I cleaned the kitchen carefully .'' explained Aunt am , ' so I know someone's touched my biscuit tin . Now , tell me who !''
“我很仔细地打扫过厨房。”山姆阿姨解释说,“所以我知道有人碰了我的饼干罐子。 现在,告诉我是谁!”
Meg and Nick couldn't understand why Aunt Sam was so angry. 梅格和尼克不明白为什么萨姆阿姨这么生气。
''Are they very expensive biscuits ?'' said Nick
Aunt Sam turned to Jack . But he wasn't there .
山姆阿姨转向杰克。 但是他已经不在那儿了。
 ''Jack !'' she shouted . ''Come back here!''
   “杰克!”她大喊。  ''回到这来!''
Jack appeared at the door . ''Is my cake
ready ?'' he asked quietly
杰克出现在门口。  ''是我的蛋糕已经准备好了吗?''他小声地问。
''Tell Meg and Nick what's in this tin .'' Aunt
Sam said. 

