Maya Adventure玛雅历险双语

Maya Adventure玛雅历险双语


玛雅历险 Maya Adventure
Chapter 1第一章
' Be quiet , Bugbug ! 'cried Jack .
We have to find a civilisation for our historyproject ! '
Bugbug was running around the Library , 
Looking for books about food . 
He Loved reading recipes. 
''You're being too noisy , Bugbug ,''agreed Nick. 
Just then , Twist hurried over with some magazines . 就在这时,卷卷带着一些杂志赶过来。
She ran into Bugbug , and papers few everywhere.她跑向了虫虫,和他撞在了一起,纸张飞得到处都是。
" What's this ? " asked Bugbug. 
He stared at a drawing of a tall , beautiful pyramid他盯着一个很高很漂亮的金字塔看,
 with steep steps on all four sides .四面围绕着陡峭的阶梯,
 Another small building was on top of it
'Wow ! ' said Meg . 'That little building looks like a house. '“哇哦,”梅格说到,“那个小建筑物看起来像个小房子。”
'It's so strange ,' Laughed Jack
'I thought all pyramids were pointy. '
' Is it very old ?' asked Nick.“它很古老吗?”尼克问道。
'It Looks ancient !' cried Meg. 
'I know ! 'cried Twist ' It's a Maya pyramid ! '
' I've read about the Maya , 'said Bugbug . 
'They're an ancient civilization.
They're from a faraway place called Central America. '“他们来自一个遥远的地方叫做中美洲”
' Is that near Egypt ? " asked Meg. 
Jack smiled . 'Let's find out more about it , he said .杰克微笑道,“我们来一起寻找答案吧”
 'I've got an idea for our project , and it's better than staying in the Library. '“关于咱们的历史研究作业,我有一个好主意,这肯定比呆在图书馆强”
They hurried home and jumped into the time machine.他们赶回家然后跳进了时光机器里面。
' Everyone ready ? 'shouted Jack .
 Then the time machine hopped up and flew through the air.

Chapter 2 第二章
The time machine Landed in front of a magnificent pyramid时光机器停在了一个非常宏伟的金字塔前面
'I'll race you to the top ! ' said Twist, running up the steep steps.“比比谁先跑到顶上去!”卷卷说到,然后跑向陡峭的台阶。
' Wait for us ! ' shouted Nick and Jack .
Bugbug Looked up at the pyramid and started sweating .虫虫看了看金字塔顶端,然后开始流汗了。
 'It's as tall as a skyscraper ! ' "这简直和摩天大厦一样高"
Meg said , 'Yes ! The view must be amazing
from up there. '“没错,顶上的景色一定特别漂亮”梅格说到。
When Bugbug got to the top , he could hardly breathe.当虫虫爬到顶端的时候,他几乎不能喘气了。
'Can't . go on.. so hot ! 'whispered. Bugbug . 
He Lay down on the ground . " I'll just stay here .'他躺在地上,“我就在这儿了”他说到
The others Looked at the beautiful views around the pyramid. 
What's that ? " cried Jack 'Is there a pool in the middle of the jungle ? "
Deep , blue water shimmered between the branches and rocks
" Wow ! ' said Meg . 'Let's run down and go swimming. '
'Run ? " Bugbug cried“还跑?”虫虫叫到。
'Come on ,' 'Laughed Nick . 'The water will be nice and cool. '
Hearing this , Bugbug raced down with he others and jumped into the pool
'This is Lovely !' Laughed Bugbug ,kicking and splashing. 

Chapter 3 第三章
As the children and the bookworms swam , a loud sound shook the air . 
They stopped and stood in the water. 
Boom . boom . boom 嘣~嘣~嘣~
" What's that noise ? ' asked Meg . 'Is it drums ?'“这是什么声音?”梅格问道“那是敲鼓的声音吗?”
'Let's follow it ,' said Nick . 'We can find out what it is. '
'But it might be something dangerous !'said Bugbug.“但是,有可能有危险的呀。”虫虫说
The others walked towards the sound Bugbug slowly followed. 
As they walked through the jungle , the drums got louder and louder .
Soon the children and the bookworms saw some stone columns .很快,孩子们和小书虫们看到一些石头柱子。
 Two men walked between them
" Look at those huge , colourful headdresses ! cried Twist . “看他们戴的巨大的色彩艳丽的头饰”卷卷叫到。
'Theyre made of feathers. '
' Let's follow those men ,' said Nick . 'We might see a Maya celebration !'
" W-w-wait , ' said Bugbug trembling .
 ' Aren't Maya people quite angry and fierce ?'
' Don't worry , Bugbug , whispered Meg
'We'll be careful. '
They followed the men to a long , narrow field 
where some Maya were playing a ball game
'It Looks like football ! 'whispered Nick .
On either side , there was a steep slope where crowds were standing .
Some people were playing drums , and everyone was shouting. 
'Amazing ,' said Meg . ' The players all have colorful clothes and big headdresses. '
" Do you see their painted faces ? " asked
Twist , smiling. 
'They look scary ! " cried Bugbug . He covered his eyes .
The drums got louder as the crowd got more excited . 鼓声越来越响,人群也变得越来越兴奋了
The deep sound shook the jungle .
" This celebration looks fun ! 'said Twist .
'Let's Join In. '
'No ! 'whispered Bugbug , pulling Twist back.
Just then , the ball flew through the air and hit Bugbug on the head.
'Ouch ! ' shouted Bugbug loudly. 
The drums stopped and everything went quiet . 鼓声停下来了,然后所有人都安静下来了。
The crowd turned to Look at them .
'Oh dear , ' said Jack. 
“哦,天呀” 杰克说到。

Chapter 4 第四章
The faces of the Maya were covered in paint , so it was difficult to see their expressions
'Are they smiling ?' asked Meg . She waved at the crowd of people. 
'I don't know ,' said Nick . 'But I think they want to show us something .'
A man pointed to an enormous pot under a tree . 一个男人指着树下的一个巨大的锅子
Two people were cooking in it .
Jack looked at the pot and frowned .
'What do you think is inside ? ' asked Jack quietly .
 'Did you say Maya people were fierce , Bugbug ?' “你说过玛雅人很凶残是吗?虫虫?”
'The Maya Liked to make s-s-sacrifices ! 'whispered Bugbug ,trembling
'It was horrible . They k-k-killed people. '
'What ? ' asked Meg . 'Do they want to cook us in that pot ? '
' Let's not find out ! ' cried Bugbug .
The children and the bookworms raced through the jungle to the time machine .
As the time machine hopped up and flew , a delicious smell filled the air. 
' But that's . That's hot chocolate !' cried Bugbug
“但那个是,那个是热巧克力!” 虫虫叫到。
He Looked down and saw that the big pot was full of his favourite drink . 
'Turn back ! Turn back !' But it was too Late. 

Chapter 5 第五章
The next day , Nick and Jack had a great idea for their history project. 
'Our class will Love the Maya ball game ,' said Nick . 
'Lets teach them. ' “咱们可以教他们”
'We should practise first , ' said Jack. 
'Let's ask Bugbug and Twist to help. '
Just as they were about to search for their bookworm friends , a delicious smell filled the air .
'What's that fantastic smell ?' askedJack . 'It's making me hungry. '
' It's coming from the door in the tree !'said Nick . And Look !
Bugbug and Twist walked through the door . 
They were carrying five cups and smiling.
" Try this , Bugbug said'“试试这个。”虫虫说
'Wow , hot chocolate.'said Jack . 'It tastes great !'
'It's the Maya recipe.' said Twist . 'We found it in an ancient book .'
' Delicious ! ' said Nick .“真美味呀!”尼克说
They drank the hot chocolate very quickly. 
'Now that we've had a Maya drink.'said Jack , 
'do you want to play a Maya game ?'
" What a fabulous idea ! ' said Twist
" Wait for me ! 'said Meg , running into the garden . 
" Look ! I've made us some headdresses. '
'We'll take these on our next adventure ,' said Bugbug .
 'Then we can play with the Maya and drink Lots more hot chocolate too !'

