5A when I grow up双语(下)

5A when I grow up双语(下)


chapter 4第四章
But Nick couldn' t think of a better job .
That week at school , everyone chatted about jobs . 
Some people wanted to be fire fighters and others wanted to be engineers , dentists , and actors . 
One girl dreamed of being a pirate . 
Nick still didnt know what job he wanted to do. 
At the weekend , he picked up his diary . 
''I'm going to write down all my ideas. ''he decided . 'I'm sure there' s a good job I can pick '
He imagined being a footballer , scoring goals and winning matches . But sport wasn't really his favourite hobby. 
He imagined he was a businessman shaking hands with lots of other businessmen and women .
' But I don't want to spend all my time in an office , he thought. 
He even imagined being an explorer . He liked adventures and discovering new places .
''But then I would be far away from Meg , Jack and the bookworms ,'' he thought . ' None of these jobs are right for me. 
Nick Looked at his list of jobs again. 
Then he read all of the thoughts about jobs in his diary .
He felt a little better as he read these ideas . 
so he made a second list . This one included his favourite hobbies and his talents. 
''I'm good at lots of things ,'' he thought .
He re-read the List . ''And now I know what
I'm best at. ''
Nick knew what he wanted to do for a job . 
He was very excited to tell everyone in his class the next day . 
He wrote down the job in his diary and smiled, It was perfect. 

Chapter 5 第五章
In class . Jack talked about being a scientist , and Alex explained that he was going to be a teacher .
 Everyone clapped at these great ideas. 
Then it was Nick's turn, He slowly stood up . He held his diary in his shaking hand.
He hoped everyone clapped at his idea . Nick took a deep breath .
''I thought about lots of different jobs ,''
started Nick . ' I wrote them all down . and
then I made a list of my talents and hobbies. ''
He took another deep breath,
''I read my lists again to help me decide ,'' he said .
 ''That's when I realized, what I want to be . When I grow up ,  I' m going to be a writer.'
' That's a great idea , said Mr Chan as everyone clapped .
 ''What will you write about ?''
''I'm going to write stories about everyone I know . I've got plenty of ideas already I'll write about Jack's secret club and Alex's joke book. ''
The boys Laughed .男孩子们笑起来了
''You should write about the April Fools' Day tricks you played on me ,'' said Jack. 
" You should write about your adventures with the bookworms too. '' said Alex. 
Everyone in the class gave Nick ideas. 
After school that day , he wrote them all in his diary . He was excited to get started !

stare 凝视 to look at something for a long time
stage 舞台 a platform which people perform on or speak from
trouble 麻烦a problematic or difficult situation
visitor 访客 a person who visits someone or a place
assembly 早会 a meeting in school usually in the morning
speaker演说者 a person who speaks at a public event
tour guide 导游a person who shows visitors around a new place
pilot 飞行员a person who flies a plane
scientist 科学家someone who studies and does science
photographer 摄影师 a person who takes photos as a job
stretch 伸展拉伸 to reach as far as one can
tricky 困难 difficult
thief 盗贼 a person who steals things from people
arrest 逮捕 to take a person to jail
invention 发明 something newly created that has never been made before
imagine 想象 to think about something , to picture something in ones head
explorer 探险家 a person who enjoys travelling to new places
talent 才华 天赋 something a person can do well
breath 呼吸 an inhalation of air into the lungs
plenty 充分 很多 a large amount , more than enough. 

