朱莉·艾金汉 | 2023年英国警务峰会简讯报道

朱莉·艾金汉 | 2023年英国警务峰会简讯报道


I’m delighted to be here to help moderate this really important Summit, both for NPCC, the APCC and the College of Policing for the first time.我很高兴能在这里主持这次非常重要的峰会,这对全国警队总长理事会、警察和犯罪专员协会和警务学院来说都是第一次非常重要的会议。
So many challenges ahead for all of those involved in policing, and I know that over the next couple of days we are going to have time to unpick some of those challenges, some of those headwinds that are coming as we head into an election year, especially.所有与会的警务工作人都面临着众多挑战,尤其是在大选年即将来临之际,一些不利因素正在出现。在接下来的几天里,我们将有时间克服其中的一些挑战。
We’ll be looking at AI in policing, fake news, disinformation, how we understand and work with police statistics, a whole host of things to talk about.我们将探讨警务中的人工智能、假新闻、虚假信息、我们如何理解和处理警方统计数据等一系列问题。
So for me it’s an extraordinarily exciting event to be involved with and we hope truly that everybody can take something away from this and forge ahead with the next challenges for policing in this country.因此对我来说,这是一次非常令人兴奋的活动,我们真心希望每个人都能从中有所收获,并为国家警务迎接下一次挑战时勇往直前。
So we’ve had a fascinating and thrilling day one here at the Summit. We’ve discussed everything from AI in policing to the relationship between the media and the police.我们在峰会上度过了精彩而激动人心的第一天。我们讨论了从警务中的人工智能到媒体和警察之间的关系的所有问题。
We’ve heard from a High Court judge, we’ve heard from the Policing Minister. We’ve got a whole range of opinions and voices giving their expertise to subjects and lots of questions online and from the hall.我们聆听了高等法院法官和警务部长的发言。我们听到了各种意见和声音,他们用专业知识就各种议题,大量在线问题以及会场上的问题提出了建议。
We’ve had contributions from the police chiefs, the PCCs and those who have joined us for the first time from the College of Policing. So, a really thrilling first day, it’s been fascinating, and I’m looking forward to tomorrow, more to come with a few surprises, so we will sen then.我们还听取了警长们和首次加入我们的警务学院成员的发言。第一天的会议令人激动,引人入胜,我期待着明天的会议,明天会有更多的惊喜,我们到时候再聊。

