凡妮莎·科比 |卡地亚手表:时间女主

凡妮莎·科比 |卡地亚手表:时间女主


“How does it feel to embody the Cartier panther?”“你认为卡地亚猎豹象征着什么?
And I think what the panther embodies, to me, really truly feels like the feminine. The panther symbolises elegance, independence, a fierceness. It feels like a great honour to be asked or to embody the spirit of the panther, and it actually requires me in my life to try and become more of that spirit in my everyday life, both in work and my life. And as a woman, I think now more than ever we are needed to embody that spirit.对我来说,我认为猎豹系列真的是女性的象征。猎豹象征着优雅,独立,凶猛。能被邀请来展现猎豹的精神,我感到非常荣幸,这实际上要求我在生活中努力尝试,并在我的日常生活中,都要更多地体现这种精神。作为一名女性,我认为我们比以往任何时候都更需要体现这种精神。
“What does the panther watch have in common with the wild animal?”“猎豹系列手表和野生动物有什么共同之处?
The panther watch to me, when you wear it, kind of moulds to your body so it moves with you. It feels strong, but it feels gentle, and it feels elegant. It feels timeless, and I think the panther, when you see the animal move, the watch moves in a really similar way, kind of just fluid on your skin. And it becomes a part of you.猎豹手表对我来说,你戴上它,就会和你的身体融为一体,它会跟着你移动。感觉很强壮,但却很温柔,很优雅。它给人一种永不过时的感觉,当你看到猎豹移动时,手表也会以类似的方式移动,就像在你的皮肤上流动一样,它会成为你的一部分。
“What does the panther woman never forget to carry with her?”“猎豹女士从不忘记随身携带什么?
The panther woman never forgets to carry authenticity. Whatever that looks like for you, however you move through life or whatever you carry with you in your day, I think is utterly about being true to yourself. And I feel like the panther woman embodies the strength, the vulnerability, the fragility that you can feel all in the same day at the same time, I think the complexity of what it is to be a woman and to navigate life.黑豹女人从不忘记保持真实。无论你是什么样子,无论你如何度过你的生活,无论你在一天中带着什么,我认为就是完全做真实的自己。我觉得猎豹女士体现了力量,易受伤害和脆弱的特性,你可以在一天中同时感受到它们,我认为这就是作为女人和要驾驭生活的复杂性。

