第17章02. The wedding

第17章02. The wedding


  The priest looked up from his book, and stood silent. Mr Rochester said in his deep voice,without turning his head,'Continue with the ceremony.'
  Silence fell again.Then the priest shook his head.'I must investigate this first,'he said.One of the strangers from the back of the church came forward and said,calmly and quietly,
  'This wedding cannot continue,because Mr Rochester is already married.'
  I felt as if I had been hit.Mr Rochester's whole face was like colourless marble.Without speaking or smiling,he was holding me tightly round the waist,as if he would never let go.
  'Who are you?'he growled at the stranger.'And tell me what you know of this supposed wife of mine.'
  'I'm a lawyer,sir.I have a certificate here proving that you married Bertha Mason in the West Indies fifteen years ago.'
  'That may prove I've been married,but it doesn't prove that she's still alive.'
  'I can produce a witness,'said the lawyer,'who has seen her alive recently.'
  'Produce him—or go to hell!'said Mr Rochester.
  'Here he is.Mr Mason!'called the lawyer.And the second stranger slowly approached from the shadows,his pale face looking frightened.Mr Rochester,staring furiously at him,raised his strong right arm to knock him down.
  'No!'cried Mason,trembling.Mr Rochester dropped his arm,and turned away in disgust.
  'Sir,'said the priest,frowning,'don't forget we are in the house of God.Mr Mason,please tell us if this gentleman's wife is still alive.'
  'She's at Thornfield Hall,'replied Mason in a weak voice.'I'm her brother and I've seen her there.'
  'Thornfield Hall!'cried the priest.'I've lived here for years,and I've never heard of a Mrs Rochester!'


  • EleanorCTO


  • AliceHyb
