第17章03. The wedding

第17章03. The wedding


  'I was careful to keep her a secret,'murmured Mr Rochester,frowning After a few minutes'thought,he announced,'I must reveal the truth,I suppose.There will be no wedding today.No doubt God will punish me for this.What this lawyer says is true.I've been married,and my wife still lives!I was tricked into marrying her when I was young,in the West Indies Madness runs in her family,but they didn't tell me that.Now she's more of an animal than a woman.I keep her locked away,guarded by my old servant Grace Poole.I invite you all to come to my house to see her,and to judge whether I had the right to ask this innocent young girl to marry me.Follow me!'
  Still holding me firmly,he left the church,followed by the others.At the door of Thornfield Hall,Mrs Faurfax,Adele and the servants rushed forward,smiling,to congratulate us.
  'Too late!'cried the master,waving them away.'Your congratulations are fifteen years too late!'We all went up to the top floor,and entered the room where Mason had been attacked.Mr Rochester lifted the curtain,opened the secret door and showed us the little room.Grace Poole was making soup over a fire,and behind her a shape crawled on the floor.It was hard to say whether it was animal or human.It growled like a wild animal,but it wore clothes,and had long,thick,dark hair.
  'How are you,Mrs Poole?'asked the master.'And how is your patient today?'
  'Not bad,sir,'answered Grace,'but be careful.She'll try and bite you if she sees you,sir.'Just then the shape turned and with a fierce cry attacked Mr Rochester violently.I recognized her dark,ugly face.They struggled for a moment,and then he held her down and,with Mrs Poole's help,tied her to a chair.He turned to the others with a bitter smile.
  'You see,gentlemen,this is my wife.This is the partner I have to live with for ever.And instead I wished to have this'(laying his hand on my shoulder)'…this young girl.Can you honestly blame me?Compare the two,and then judge me!'


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