03.Describe an occasion when you got incorrect information

03.Describe an occasion when you got incorrect information


Part 2

You should say:

When you got it

How you got it

How you found it was incorrect

And how you felt about it

Well,gettingwide-of-the-mark(不着边际的)information is just arun-of-the-mill(普通的)part of ourlife due to easy access to different data nowadays. So, this topic is atripdown memory lane(回忆往事)to me when I was a freshman student in college when I grasped anincorrect time for a world cup football match. To tell you the truth, I’ve beena crazy fan of football sport, especially watching the football world cup matchsince I was a high school student. A year ago, the competition started at 10:30p.m., and I asked my friend if the match schedule was still the same, and hesaid certainly that it would begin at 10:30 p.m. So I planned for asnooze(小睡)from 9:00to 10:20 PM and set a wake-up time for half past ten. When the alarm rang, Iwas on the edge of my seats to open my phone to watch the live streaming of thematch. However, I was abolt from the blue(晴天霹雳)because thematch was nearly over. So I called my friend and asked if he had given me thecorrect information. Then he apologized for making a mistake because heobtained false information on social media and thus missed watching the gametoo. To be honest, I wasdown in the dumps(沮丧)because Imissed watching my favorite football team match on that day. But I accepted myfriend's apologies because he didn't do it on purpose. Once and for all, thatexperience makes me realize that by the next time, I mustbear out(证实)theinformation before believing it to avoidgoing wide of(远离)the mostimportant matter in my life.

