06.Describe a place away from your home and you want to visit in the future

06.Describe a place away from your home and you want to visit in the future


Part 2

You should say:

Where you would like to go

When you would like to go

Who you want to go with

And explain why you want tovisit the place

I've constantly enjoyed seeking out unfamiliar places,particularly those that areadjacent(邻近的)to a stream, sea, orocean. As a result, an array of destinations from all over the world are jotteddown(草草记下)on my travel bucket list(遗愿清单). So, considering thatI’m a beach bum(海滩游民), I'd bethrilled(激动)to go into detailabout a coastal or tropical city I’d love to go to soon. I’d been yearning totake a trip to Hainan, the highly populated island in China and the smallestprovince in the far south of the country, which roughly takes about 40 hours of strenuous(费力的)travel via train from my hometown, which is Datong City. Hainanhas carved itself out as arenowned(有名的)tropical resortdestination that attracts tourists both Chinese and overseas. On top of that,it has all-year-round warmth, plus there are numerous palm-lined beacheswhere you may takedelight(高兴)in lounging. When the weather is at its peak in July and August,I'm aspiring to travel there. I prefer to travel there with Aileen, mydearest confidant. Because, like me, she’s a sea lover. It would be fantasticto savor scrumptious(品尝美味)local cuisine at native restaurants and tour the local markets tolook for keepsake items(纪念品). Additionally,wallow(沉迷于)in thepristine(纯朴的)beaches with their deep blue, clear water, and take a stroll on the finesand(细砂)beneath the warm sunshine. Then, explorediverse(不同的)adventure sports like fishing,snorkeling(潜水), scuba diving, and paragliding. All in all, simply indulge inthelaid-back vibe(悠闲的氛围)beforeventuring to other spots on the island torevel(狂欢)in the crashing waves(汹涌的海浪)and ocean breeze. Therefore, traveling there to savor exquisite cuisine(精致的菜肴)andexperience aonce-in-a-blue-moon(千载难逢)adventure would be adream come true, which will surely put me on top of the world.

