07.Describe a popular person

07.Describe a popular person


Part 2

You should say:

Who this person is

What he or she is like

Why you think this person ispopular

How this person influences thepublic

Well, there are amyriad(无数的)of renowned people,especially when it comes to those who are regarded for theirprowess(英勇)in theirfields. But I'm going to talk about one suchfigure who is exceptionally prominent in the world of film. A reputableindividual who not only touched my heart but the hearts of billions of otherpeople. He's none other than Jackie Chan, one of the most popular icons inChina. He has a typicalphysique(体形)associated withaverage height, brown eyes, black hair, anolive complexion(橄榄色肤色),and apleasant personality. It's understandable why he has become a household nameeverywhere. He’s a multi-talented film artistwho isa jack of all trades(博而不精的人). Heexecutes(执行)all his own stunts, andhiscomic(滑稽的)timing isflawless(完美的).Also, he’s one of the mostnotable(著名的)film personalities in the world, with an enormous fan base. It’s nosecret that he’s not only an actor but also a stuntman, whoseriskyactiontricksand ahilarious(欢闹的)sense of humor rendered him an action-film star in Asia and enabled himto bring martial arts films into themainstream(主流)of American cinema. I became intrigued by Chan's life while I was inmiddle school because I was such an avid fan. Later on, I learned that he wasborn in Hong Kong tomeagerparents. So, he endured manyhurdles(障碍), yet his unwavering mentality and optimism ignited him to actpositively. I was deeply moved as I learned about his past. As a result, I cameto realize every detail in his life, from his childhood to his hilariousantics, is daring. Perhaps this explains why he is so revered by so numerouspeople around the world.

