08.Describe an invention

08.Describe an invention


Part 2

You should say:

What the invention is

How you use this invention

Whether it is difficult to useit

There have undoubtedly been dozens or maybe millions ofinnovations during the past century, but I would mention the one that, in myopinion, altered the world and has been entirely beneficial up to this point.As a matter of fact, The name of this specific discovery is termed theincandescent light or light bulb. In ancient times, people relied on naturallight as well as the basic sources of illumination, such as candles, gas oroil-lamps. Candles and flame were in fact the major source. Additionally, manypeople wished to create something that would transform how they experience theworld at night. A hundred and fifty years prior, several scientists madeunsuccessful attempts to create the light bulb. Thomas Edison, a famousscientist, would latertransfigure(美化)how people lived in the past and present. Even though we are awarethat he did not come up with this concept, he was nevertheless able to developthe light bulb and make it possible for people to use electricity to lighttheir houses. Even though it took many scientists a long time to develop theinnovation since it was a difficult idea, anybody can use it with the ease ofone, two, and three. Additionally, there is a device called asolar panel(太阳电池板)that mayhold a light bulb and serve as a temporary source of light if there is ablackout. These advancements have made it possible for individuals to sleepwell at night. Thomas Edison is one of my favorite scientists since his phrases"A failure is the right answer to the wrong questions' ' and"Achieving something requires 1% inspiration and 99% perspiration"are constant sources of inspiration for me. Therefore, Thomas Edison isunquestionably still regarded as one of history's greatest inventors as aresult.

