02.Describe an occasion when you spent time with a young child

02.Describe an occasion when you spent time with a young child


Part 2

You should say:

Who this child was

When you spent time with thischild

What you did together

And how you felt about it

Well, whether you believe it or not, I’vehardly any experience of spending time with little ones seeing as I’m the onlychild in the family and most of my cousins are still unmarried. Nonetheless,there was abubbly lad(活泼的小伙子)who lived next door to my house and often invited me to play thepiano at his house over the weekends. If I'm not mistaken, he was six years oldand a music enthusiast. I only met him a few years ago before we moved out to anew house. He was a charming young man who approached me first. Hegrinned9露齿而笑)andinquired about my name. I had no idea why he hadpiqued my interest(激起了我的兴趣)at the timesince I was not into kids. As a result, I spoke to him kindly. When we saw eachother in thecorridor(走廊)to our units after that, he alwayschanted(吟唱)my name andtalkedabout everything under the sun(关于世界上的一切). There, I discoveredthat he loved music and enjoyed playing the piano. When his parents becameaware that we shared a passion for the piano, they encouraged me to play withhis child whenever I had free time, and they offered to pay me. I was fortunateat the time since I was eager to work part-time. I gladly accepted the offerbecause I was fond of music and could play the piano well. On every break, Iwent to my neighbor's house and played the piano with the adorable child. Notonly that, but we played certain games that made us feel on cloud nine. What,on the other hand, actually melts my heart? He couldn't find the words toexpress his gratitude every time he learned something from me. He is undeniablya cheerful andsympathetic(赞同的)kid. So, I was havinga ball(玩得开心)with his company. I'm glad because I wouldn't have had such ahappy experience spending time with kids if I hadn't met him. Now that Ihaven't seen him in over a month, I truly miss him. I hope he vividly recallsme one day if we cross paths(交叉路径)again. 

