10.Describe a game that you played in your childhood

10.Describe a game that you played in your childhood


Part 2

You should say:

What the game was

When you played it

Who you played it with

And explain how you felt aboutthe game

Childhood is a priceless stage of life that is full of curiosity,wonder, andlimitless potential(无限的潜力). I'd like to sharewith you the game that I played in my childhood, which was hide and seek. WhenI was younger, this was a traditional kid's game where one person was"it" and had to discover the other players who were hiding. You canplay hide-and-seek indoors or outdoors. Due to ourspacious(广阔的), openbackyard, we actually enjoyed playing it outside. I explicitly recall playingit with both my older siblings and my childhood buddies. As far as I canremember, we normally played a variety of games when I was a kid, which madefor a lot of fun. Nevertheless, one of our favorite activities was hide andseek since it's entertaining, challenges us tothink outside the box(创造性地思考)for hidingplaces, and can keep us occupied for hours. with the memory that was still inme, I was over the moon every time we had a chance to play with it. Not justhappy, but also excited, and thesense of camaraderie(友爱)stilllingers in my mind. It is very true that “money can't buy us happiness”,because even though I have a humble life and have never owned such luxuriestoys, I wasdelighted(高兴的)and was enjoying myself at that moment. Hence, I can say that mychildhood was "old but gold" and that playing outside was a verymemorable experience.

