05.Describe an enjoyable experience in your childhood

05.Describe an enjoyable experience in your childhood


Part 2

You should say:

When you had this experience

Where you had this experience

Who you were with

What you did

How you felt about it

This topic reminds me of one of my good old days since itwas an unforgettable and fantastic experience way back in primary school. If Ican barely remember correctly, there was one of the biggest comic cons heldperhaps around May or June since it was my sabbatical break(公休假)andorganized in my city. Nevertheless, it was none other than Shanghai,which isprogressive(进步的)in economics. In the past, I was with my grandparents since Iused to stay with them due to my parents’ responsibilities and being busybees(忙碌). But it didn't stop me fromportraying(描绘)andmimicking(模仿)my idolcartoon character, Nico, from an anime entitled "Love Live."Furthermore, I was on cloud nine(高兴)that day because my grandparents were so supportive that they evenhelped me find and sew my garment. I could see how proud they weresince, even though they didn't have a dispassion cosplay, theyunderstood and encouraged me to be confident toshowcase(展现)my dressand character to everyone. Besides, it was aonce-in-a-blue-moon(千载难逢)experiencefor all of us, so I will forever treasure the things that happened betweenus. 

