谁动了我的奶酪22 文本已添加

谁动了我的奶酪22 文本已添加



Then Becky, who lived in another city but had returnedfor the reunion, said, "As I was listening to the story and to everyone'scomments here, I've had to laugh at myself. I've been like Hem for so long,hemming and hawing and afraid of change. I didn't realize how many other peopledid this as well. I'm afraid I've passed it on to my children without evenknowing it. 贝基生活在另一个城市,这次特意赶来参加同学聚会。这时她说:“当我在听这个故事,以及听到大家的讨论时,我真的禁不住要讥笑我自己。许久以来,我一直像哼哼那样,害怕改变,凡事迟疑犹豫,拒绝改变,为此我不知道丢掉了多少美味的奶酪。我不知道其他人怎样,我恐怕已经在不知不觉中,把这种哼哼式的思想传给了我的孩子们。” "As I think about it, I realize changereally can lead you to a new and better place, although you're afraid it won'tat the time. “当我反复思考这个问题和身边的一些人和事后,我在想或许变化真的能把你带到一个崭新的、更好的地方,尽管当时你担心事情的变化将并非如此。”"I remember a time when our son was asophomore in high school. My husband's job required us to move from Illinois toVermont and our son was upset because he had to leave his friends. He was astar swimmer and the high school in Vermont had no swim team. So, he was angrywith us for making him move. “我记得有一段时间,在我儿子上中学二年级的时候。因为我先生工作的需要,我们必须从伊利诺伊搬到佛蒙特去,儿子为此很难过,因为他不得不离开他的朋友们了。他是学校里的游泳明星,但在佛蒙特的高中里却没有游泳队。因此,他对我们即将面临的变化感到很生气。”"As it turned out, he fell in lovewith the Vermont Mountains, took up skiing, skied on his college team and nowlives happily in Colorado. “然而后来的情况是,他疯狂地迷上了佛蒙特的山区,开始学习滑雪,并参加了大学里的滑雪队和登山队。现在,他有了更多的新伙伴,他愉快地生活在科罗拉多。”"If we had all enjoyed this Cheesestory together, over a cup of hot chocolate, we could have saved our family alot of stress." “如果当初面对改变时,我们全家能端上一杯热巧克力,一起享受这个故事的乐趣,或许我们家庭中的许多无谓的压力和紧张气氛早就烟消云散了。”Jessica said, "I'm going home to tellmy family this story. I'll ask my children who they think I am -- Sniff,Scurry, Hem or Haw -- and who they feel they are. We could talk about what wefeel our family's Old Cheese is and what the New Cheese could be." 杰西卡赶忙说,“没错,我回去后,要把这个故事和全家分享。我还要问我的孩子们,我像故事中的谁——嗅嗅、匆匆,还是哼哼和唧唧——他们又觉得自己像谁。我们还要讨论,我们家的‘旧奶酪’是什么,‘新奶酪’又应该是什么。”"That's a good idea," Richardsaid, surprising everyone -- even himself. “这的确是个好主意!”理查德大声赞同,把大家吓了一跳,连他自己都奇怪怎么会这么大声。Frank then commented, "I think I'mgoing to be more like Haw and move with the Cheese and enjoy it! And I'm goingto pass this story along to my friends who arc worried about leaving themilitary and what the change might mean to them. It could lead to some interestingdiscussions." 弗兰克也受到了快乐情绪的感染,喜悦之情溢于言表:“我觉得自己越来越像唧唧,我已经做好准备随着奶酪的移动而移动,并且能够从中得到快乐!我也要把这个故事讲给我军中的朋友们,他们正担心离开部队后生活的变化。这一定会引起一场有趣的讨论。” Michael said, "Well, that's how weimproved our business. We had several discussions about what we got from theCheese story and how we could apply it to our situation. 迈克尔接着说:“对,这也是我们当初改进我们企业的方法。我们搞过几场讨论,讨论我们从故事中学到了什么,以及如何把它们运用到我们的实际工作中去。”"It was great because we had languagethat was fun for us to use to talk about how we were dealing with change. Itwas very effective, especially as it spread deeper into the company." “这很重要。因为我们有了轻松的、共同的语言,用来谈论怎样应对变化,包括公司和个人生活的。这方法非常有效,它已经深深地渗入到我们公司的各个方面。”Nathan asked, "What do you mean by'deeper'?" 内森问道:“‘深深地‘是什么意思?”"Well, the further we went into ourorganization, the more people we found who felt they had less power. They wereunderstandably more afraid of what the change imposed from above might do tothem. So they resisted change. “喔,是这样的,我们发现,越是组织的内层,就越缺乏活力。可以理解,他们比外层人员更加害怕改变,害怕上面强加给他们的改变会发生在他们身上。所以,他们拒绝改变。”"In short, a change imposed is achange opposed. “简言之,强加的改变是最易遭到反抗及阻力的改变。”"But when the Cheese Story was sharedwith literally everyone in our organization, it helped us change the way welooked at change. It helped everyone laugh, or at least smile, at their oldfears and want to move on. “当‘奶酷的故事’以书面的形式在我们机构中分发出去以后,它改变了大家看待变化的态度。对于自己过去的畏惧,每个人都笑起来,至少是微笑了。每一个人都开始主动地考虑‘改变’这个题目。”

