谁动了我的奶酪18 文本已添加

谁动了我的奶酪18 文本已添加



Laura, who had become a successful businesswoman, hadbeen listening, but had said very little until now. "I thought about thestory this afternoon too," she said. "I wondered how I could be morelike Haw and see what I'm doing wrong -- laugh at myself, change, and dobetter." Then she asked, "I'm curious. How many here are afraid ofchange?" No one responded, so she suggested, "How about a show ofhands?" 劳拉已经是一位很成功的商人,到现在为止,她很少说话,一直在聆听。“这个下午,我也一直在思考这个故事,”这时她说:“我不知道自己要怎样做才能更像唧唧,才能够看到自己的错误,坦然面对自己,改变自己,并将一切做得更好。” 沉默了一会儿,她继续说:“我想知道,我们这里有多少人害怕改变?”见没有人回答。于是她又提议:“请举手示意。”Only one hand went up. "Well, it lookslike we've got one honest person in our group!" she said, and thencontinued, "Maybe you'll like this next question better. How many herethink other people are afraid of change?" Practically everyone raisedtheir hands. Then they all started laughing. 只有一个人举了手。“很好,看起来,我们之中总算还有一个诚实的人!”她说,并继续道:“也许你们更愿意回答下一个问题。有多少人认为别人害怕改变?”这一次几乎每个人都举了手。见此情景,大伙都大笑起来。 "What does that tell us?" “刚才的现象说明了什么?”"Denial," Nathan answered. “我们都拒绝承认自己害怕改变。”内森回答。"Sure," Michael admitted."Sometimes we're not even aware that we're afraid. I know I wasn't. When Ifirst heard the story, I loved the question:'What would you do if you weren'tafraid?"'“确实是这样,”迈克尔表示赞同,“有时候,连我们自己也没有意识到我们在害怕,或者说我们在努力想掩盖自己的恐惧。我知道我就是如此。当我第一次听到这个故事的时候,我就非常喜欢这句话,‘当你无所畏惧时,你会怎样?’”Then Jessica added, "Well, what I gotfrom the story is that change is happening everywhere and that I will do betterwhen I can adjust to it quickly." 杰西卡接口道:“我从这个故事中得到的启示是,变化无时无处不在发生,无论我们是害怕改变还是喜欢改变,但如果我们能尽快调整自己适应变化,我们应该可以做得更好。”"I remember years ago when our companywas selling our encyclopedia as a set of more than twenty books. One persontried to tell us that we should put our whole encyclopedia on a single computerdisk and sell it for a fraction of the cost. It would be easier to update,would cost us so much less to manufacture, and so many more people could affordit. But we all resisted." “我还记得几年前我们公司发生的事情。当时我们正在销售一套百科全书,全套书有二十多本。有个人想要说服我们,他告诉我们应该把整套百科全书做成一张计算机光盘,只卖现在价格的零头。这样做,既可以及时更新,又可以使生产费用大为减少,而且将有更多的人买得起并可以使用上它。但是当时我们拒绝了这个建议。”"Why did you resist?" Nathanasked. “你们为什么要拒绝呢?”内森问道。"Because, we believed then that thebackbone of our business was our large sales force, who called on peopledoor-to-door. Keeping our sales force depended on the big commissions theyearned from the high price of our product. We had been doing this successfullyfor a long time and thought it would go on forever." “因为当时我们确信,我们企业的主力,是我们挨家挨户地推销的庞大销售队伍,我们的高价产品使我们的销售人员可以获得高额佣金从而更加卖力气地工作。长期以来,我们一直都这样做并且做得很成功,我们都认为这种方式还会继续有效。”Laura said, "Maybe that's what wasmeant in the story when it mentioned Hem and Haw's arrogance about success.They didn't notice they needed to change what had once been working." 劳拉说:“也许这就是故事里所要表明的,哼哼和唧唧由于成功而形成的傲慢。他们从来没有想过,他们需要改变那些曾经的有效的东西。”Nathan said, "So you thought your oldCheese was your only Cheese." “这方法就是你们的奶酪!”内森说:“并且你们认为这块旧奶酪是你们惟一的奶酪。”"Yes, and we wanted to hang onto it.When I think back on what happened to us, I see that it's not just that they'moved the Cheese' but that the 'Cheese' has a life of its own and eventuallyruns out. “的确如此,我们甚至想依靠这种方法直到永远。” “当我回过头去想发生的事情时,我发现,奶酪不仅仅会被移走。奶酪也有自己的生命,终究有被吃完的一天。”"Anyway, we didn't change. But acompetitor did and our sales fell badly. We've been going through a difficulttime. Now, another big technological change is happening in the industry and noone at the company seems to want to deal with it. It doesn't look good. I thinkI could be out of a job soon." “结果怎么样呢?”劳拉问。 “我们没有变。一个竞争者却做了改变,所以我们的生意一落千丈,一直到现在我们都很艰难。如今,在这个产业领域里技术上已经发生了很大的变化,但我们公司里却没有一个人想去应对这种变化。这看起来很不妙,我想我快要失业了。”

