谁动了我的奶酪20 文本已添加

谁动了我的奶酪20 文本已添加



"Exactly," Michael said. "Then when Iheard the story of "Who Moved My Cheese? ", I realized my job was topaint a picture of 'New Cheese' that we would all want to pursue, so we couldenjoy changing and succeeding, whether it was at work or in life. “确实如此。”迈克尔说:“后来,当我听到‘谁动了我的奶酪’的故事后,我认识到我的工作应该是描绘一幅‘新奶酪’的图景——公司全体员工希望追寻的 ‘新奶酪’,然后将这新奶酪清晰、真实地呈现在所有员工的面前。这样,我们才会享受到变化和成功的喜悦,不论是在工作中还是在生活中。”Nathan asked, "What did you do atwork?" 内森问道:“你在工作中是怎样去做的?”"Well, when I asked people in ourcompany who they were in the story, I saw we had every one of the fourcharacters in our organization. I began to see that the Sniffs, Scurrys, Hems,and Haws each needed to be treated differently. “喔,我问我们公司里的人,他们是故事中的谁,发现我们公司中这四种角色都有。我看到了嗅嗅、匆匆、哼哼和唧唧,每一种角色都需要区别对待。”"Our Sniffs could sniff our changes inthe marketplace, so they helped us update our corporate vision. They wereencouraged to identify how the changes could result in new products andservices our customers would want. The Sniffs loved it and told us they enjoyedworking in a place that recognized change and adapted in time. “我们的嗅嗅能够敏锐地嗅出市场的变化,以便我们能够及时调整公司的战略。公司鼓励他们去识别哪些变化会影响到顾客对新产品和服务的需求。嗅嗅们喜欢这项工作,他们告诉我,他们喜欢在这样的环境中工作,在这里他们能够识别变化并及时做出调整。”"Our Scurrys liked to get things done,so they were encouraged to take actions, based on the new corporate vision.They just needed to be monitored so they didn't scurry off in the wrongdirection. They were then rewarded for actions that brought us New Cheese. Theyliked working in a company that valued action and results." “我们的匆匆喜欢做事,在公司的新战略中,他们被鼓励去采取行动。他们只需要稍加引导,以免跑错了方向。公司获得了新奶酪,这应归功于他们的行动。他们喜欢在这样的公司里工作,在这里能够体现行动的结果和价值。”"What about the Hems and Haws?"Angela asked. “那么,哼哼们和唧唧们又怎样呢?”安杰拉问道。"Unfortunately, the Hems were theanchors that slowed us down," Michael answered. "They were either toocomfortable or too afraid to change. Some of our Hems changed only when theysaw the sensible vision we painted that showed them how changing would work totheir advantage. “不幸的是,哼哼们就像是船锚想使我们停下来,”迈克尔说:“他们或者是太在意享受眼前的安逸,或者是过分害怕改变。不过当我向他们展示了具体的景象,并说明变化将会带来的好处时,有些哼哼最终改变了。”"Our Hems told us they wanted to workin a place that was safe, so the changes needed to make sense to them andincrease their sense of security. When they realized the real danger of notchanging, some of them changed and did well. Our vision helped us turn many ofour Hems into Haws." “我们的哼哼们说,他们想要在一个安全的环境下工作,所以,变化应在他们所能接受的范围内增加安全感。然而当我让他们认识到僵化不变的可怕时,其中有些人发生了改变,而且干得不错。这种景象便许多的哼哼变成了唧唧。”"What did you do with the Hems whodidn't change'?" Frank wanted to know. “对那些没有改变的哼哼,你们怎么办呢?”弗兰克问道。"We had to let them go," Michaelsaid sadly. "We wanted to keep all our employees, but we knew if ourbusiness didn't change quickly enough, we would all be in trouble." 我们不得不让他们走人。”迈克尔黯然答道:“我们希望留下所有的员工,但我们清楚,我们必须要迅速而充分地改变,否则我们全体都陷入麻烦之中。”Then he said, "The good news is thatwhile our Haws were initially hesitant, they were open-minded enough to learnsomething new, act differently, and adapt in time to help us succeed. 他又说:“我们的唧唧们起初还有些犹豫,值得欣慰的是,他们思想开放,乐于去学习新的东西,及时调整并付诸实施,从而使我们获得成功。”"They came to expect change and activelylook for it. Because they understood human nature, they helped us paint arealistic vision of New Cheese that made good sense to practically everyone. “他们甚至开始期待变化而且积极地寻求变化。他们了解大家究竟想要什么,和我们一起描绘出一幅实际可行的新奶酪的美景图,让所有的人充满期待并积极行动起来。”"They told us they wanted to work inan organization that gave people the confidence and tools to change. And theyhelped us keep our sense of humor as we went after our New Cheese." “他们说他们希望在这样的组织中工作,能够给人自信和变化的工具。在我们追随新奶酪的过程中,他们还给我们带来了许多迎接挑战的乐趣。”

