谁动了我的奶酪16 文本已添加

谁动了我的奶酪16 文本已添加



Hem had to findhis own way, beyond his comforts and past his fears. No one else could do itfor him, or talk him into it. He somehow had to see the advantage of changinghimself. 哼哼必须自己发现适合自己的道路,摆脱安逸,超越恐惧。没有人可以代替他做到这一点,或者告诉他应该怎样去做。他必须迈出第一步,否则他永远不会看到改变自己所带来的好处。Haw knew he had left a trail for Hem andthat he could find his way, if he could just read The Handwriting On The Wall. 唧唧知道自己已经给哼哼留下了足够的标记,只要他能够迈出第一步,读到墙上的字迹,他就会找到出路。He went over and wrote down a summary ofwhat he had learned on the largest wall of Cheese Station N. He drew a largepiece of cheese around all the insights he had become aware of; and smiled ashe looked at what he had learned: 于是唧唧打消了回C站的念头,他站起来走到奶酪N站最大的一面墙前,把他一路上得到的心得体会的要点写了下来。他拿起一块很大的奶酪,这是他见过的奶酪中最大的一块。唧唧品尝着新鲜的奶酪,望着自己写下的体会,脸上绽出了微笑:The Handwriting On The Wall Change happens Theykeep moving the cheese Anticipate change Get ready for the cheese to move Monitorchange Smell the cheese often so you know when it is getting old奶酪墙上的话,变化总是在发生,他们总是不断地拿走你地奶酪,预见变化随时做好奶酪被拿走的准备,追踪变化,经常闻一闻你的奶酪,以便知道它们呢,什么时候开始变质。Adapt to change quickly The quicker you letgo of old cheese, the sooner you can enjoy new cheese Change Move with thecheese Enjoy change Savior the adventure and enjoy the taste of new cheese! 尽快适应变化,越早放弃旧的奶酪,你就会越早享用到新的奶酪。改变随着奶酪的变化而变化。享受变化!尝试去冒险,去享受新奶酪的美味!Be ready to change quickly and enjoy itagain They keep moving the cheese Move With the Cheese and enjoy it! ——The end… or is it a new beginning? 做好迅速变化的准备 不断地去享受变化记住:他们仍会不断地拿走你的奶酪。唧唧在想,自从他在奶酪C站和哼哼分道扬镳以来已经有多久了。他知道自己前进了一大步,但他也很清楚,如果他过分沉溺于N区的安逸生活之中,他就会很快滑落到原来的困境。所以,他每天都仔细检查奶酪N站的情况。他在做一切力所能及的事情,以尽量避免被意料之外的变化打个措手不及。当他还有大量的奶酪贮备时,他就开始经常到外面的迷宫中去,探索新的领地,以便使自己与周围发生的变化随时保持联系。现在的他非常明白,了解各种实际的选择,要比呆在舒适的环境里把自己孤立起来安全得多。“窸窸窣窣”,他听到了什么,唧唧竖起耳朵听了听,他觉得是从迷宫里传来的走动的声音。这声音渐渐大起来,他知道有人正向着这边跑来。会是哼哼到了吗?他会循着那个弯转过来吗?唧唧念了几句祈祷语,他真的希望——像他以前曾多次希望的那样——也许,他的朋友终于能够……随着奶酪的变化而变化,并享受变化 结局……或者是新的开始?

A Discussion: 讨论 Later That Same Day When Michael finishedtelling the story, he looked around the room and saw his former classmatessmiling at him. 同一天傍晚,故事讲完以后的讨论迈克尔讲完他的故事以后,环顾四周,发现他的老同学们都在微笑着倾听。Several thanked him and said they got agood deal out of the story. 有几个人站起身来向他表示感谢,说他们从故事中得到了很多启发。Nathan asked the group, "What wouldyou think of getting together later and maybe discussing it?" 内森问大家:“一会儿我们聚在一起讨论一下这个故事,你们觉得怎样?”Most of them said they would like to talkabout it, and so they arranged to meet later for a drink before dinner. 大多数人都表示他们的确很想谈一谈自己的感受。于是,他们决定先去喝点东西,再吃晚餐,然后一起讨论一下这个故事。That evening, as they gathered in a hotellounge, they began to kid each other about finding their "Cheese" andseeing themselves in the Maze. 当天晚上,他们聚集在饭店的房间里,相互开着玩笑说,看见他们自己在迷宫中寻找各自的“奶酪”。Then Angela good-naturedly asked the group,"So, who were you in the story? Sniff, Scurry, Hem or Haw?" 安杰拉要大家安静下来,并询问道:“你们觉得自己是这故事中的谁?嗅嗅和匆匆,还是哼哼或唧唧?”Carlos answered, "Well I was thinkingabout that this afternoon. I clearly remember a time before I had my sportinggoods business, when I had a rough encounter with change. 卡洛斯第一个回答说:“呃,整个下午,我都在考虑这个问题。我清楚地记得,有一段时间,在我开始我的运动器材生意之前,我曾遇到过一次突如其来的改变。”

