谁动了我的奶酪17 文本已添加

谁动了我的奶酪17 文本已添加



"I wasn'tSniff-I didn't sniff out the situation and see the change early. And Icertainly wasn't Scurry -- I didn't go into action immediately. “我不是嗅嗅——我没能及早嗅出潜在的危机并看出已经发生的变化。我也不像匆匆——因为我没有立即投入行动。”"I was more like Hem, who wanted tostay in familiar territory. The truth is, I didn't want to deal with change. Ididn't even want to see it." “我想我更像是哼哼,当时我只愿意呆在自己熟悉的领域。事实上,我根本不想去应对改变,我甚至不想看到变化。”Michael, who felt like no time had passedsince he and Carlos were close friends in school, asked, "What are you talkingabout, Carlos?" 迈克尔和卡洛斯在学校时是好朋友,现在还是像从前一样亲密,他不解地问道:“兄弟,你所说的那个突然的改变究竟是怎么回事?”Carlos said, "An unexpected change ofjobs." 卡洛斯说:“那是工作上的一个意想不到的变化。”Michael laughed. "You werefired?" 迈克尔笑了起来:“你被开除了?”"Well let's just say I didn't want togo out looking for New Cheese. I thought I had a good reason why changeshouldn't happen to mc. So, I was pretty upset at the time." “噢,还不如说,我只是从来不曾想过要去寻找新的奶酪。我曾经想到很多理由,总觉得变化不应该发生在我身上。老实说,那段时间,我感到非常沮丧。”Some of their former classmates who hadbeen quiet in the beginning felt more comfortable now and spoke up, includingFrank, who had gone into the military. 刚开始的时候,有几位同学一直没有参加讨论,现在听了迈克尔的话也都开始了议论。首先是已经应征入伍的弗兰克。"Hem reminds me of a friend ofmine," Frank said. "His department was closing down, but he didn'twant to see it. They kept relocating his people. We all tried to talk to himabout the many other opportunities that existed in the company for those who wantedto be flexible, but he didn't think he had to change. He was the only one whowas surprised when his department closed. Now he's having a hard time adjustingto the change he didn't think should happen." 哼哼使我想起了我的一位朋友,”他说:“所有迹象显示他所在的部门将被裁撤,但他不肯面对这个现实。公司为所有人做了重新安排。我们都试图劝说他,只要愿意改变,公司里还有很多其他的机会,但他始终觉得自己没有必要改变。当他所在的部门最终关闭时,他是惟一惊讶得不知所措的人。现在,他正在做出艰难的调整,以适应他认为不该发生的变化。”Jessica said, "I didn't think itshould happen to me either, but my 'Cheese' has been moved more thanonce."Many in the group laughed, except Nathan. 杰西卡说:“我也一向认为这种事情不会发生在我身上,但我的奶酪的确已经不止一次地被拿走了,尤其是在我的个人生活中。但最后我总能找到我的奶酪。”除了内森以外,大家都笑了。"Maybe that's the whole point,"Nathan said. "Change happens to all of us." “也许,这就是关键之处,”内森说:“变化发生在我们每一个人身上。”He added, "I wish my family had heardthe Cheese story before this. Unfortunately we didn't want to see the changescoming in our business, and now it's too late -- we're having to close many ofour stores." 他补充道:“我真希望我的家人以前就听到晕过这个故事。不幸的是,我们每一个人都不愿意面对发生在我们家族企业中的变化。现在为时已晚——我们不得不关闭我们的许多家店铺了。”That surprised many in the group, becausethey thought Nathan was lucky to be in a secure business he could depend on,year after year. 内森的话让很多人吃了一惊,因为大家一向都很羡慕内森的幸运,认为他可以躺在自己的家族企业中,年复一年地依靠它。"What happened?" Jessica wantedto know. “发生了什么事?”杰西卡急于问个究竟。"Our chain of small stores suddenlybecame old fashioned when the mega-store came to town with its huge inventoryand low prices. We just couldn't compete with that." “当超级商场进入小镇时,我们的小型连锁店突然显得过时了。他们有大量丰富且价格低廉的商品,我们完全无法与之竞争。”"I can see now that instead of beinglike Sniff and Scurry, we were like Hem. We stayed where we were and didn'tchange. We tried to ignore what was happening and now we are in trouble. Wecould have taken a couple of lessons from Haw -because we certainly couldn'tlaugh at ourselves and change what we were doing." “现在我终于明白了,这一切后果归咎于我的家人都不是嗅嗅和匆匆,我们就像哼哼。我们呆在原来的地方固步自封,拒绝改变;我们故意忽略外面的世界,企图对发生的一切视而不见。现在我们陷入了麻烦,这一切只是因为我们不愿意嘲讽自己,不愿意改变所做的一切。我们真应该从唧唧身上学到些什么。”

