Richard commented,"You got all that from a little story?" 理查德揶揄道:“没想到你从一个小故事中得到了这么多东西?”Michael smiled. "It wasn't the story,but what we did differently based on what we took from it." 迈克尔笑了:“因为我并没有仅仅停留在听故事的层面上,而是从中找到了我想要的东西,并且采取了行动。”Angela admitted, "I'm a little bitlike Hem, so for me, the most powerful part of the story was when Hem laughedat his fear and went on to paint a picture in his mind, where he saw himselfenjoying 'New Cheese'. It made going into the Maze less fearful and moreenjoyable. And he eventually got a better deal. That's what I want to do moreoften." 安杰拉点头表示同意:“这做法真的很有趣。因为在我看来,这故事中最有影响力的部分就是,当唧唧勇敢地嘲笑自己的畏惧,开始在头脑中描绘一幅自己在享受新奶酪的情景,然后充满信心和喜悦地走进迷宫,追寻新的奶酪,并最终获得了成功。我想这也是我常常想要做的事情。”Frank grinned. "So even Hems can sometimessee the advantage of changing." 弗兰克笑了一下:“所以,甚至哼哼有时也能看到变化的好处。”Carlos laughed. "Like the advantage ofkeeping their jobs." 卡洛斯笑起来:“比如说保持工作的好处。”Angela added, "Or even getting a goodraise." 安杰拉补充说:“甚至还有得到提拔的好处。”Richard, who had been frowning during the discussion,said, "My manager's been telling me our company needs to change. I thinkwhat she's really telling me is that I need to, but I haven't wanted to hearit. I guess I never really knew what the 'New Cheese' was that she was tryingto move us to. Or how I could gain from it." 理查德一直皱着眉头若有所思。这时他说:“我的上司一直在告诉我,公司需要有所改变。我想她实际上是想告诉我应该做出某些改变,但我实在不想听到这些。我觉得自己真的不知道,她想让我们去找的‘新奶酪’是什么,或者,我能从那新奶酪中得到些什么。”A slight smile crossed Richard's face as hesaid, "I must admit I like this idea of seeing 'New Cheese' and imaginingyourself enjoying it. It lightens everything up. When you see how it can makethings better, you get more interested in making the change happen. 说到这里,一丝微笑掠过他脸庞:“听了这个故事我必须承认,我开始喜欢这个想法,看见新奶酪并想像自己正在享用它。这种想法能使每件事都变得更有希望。当你想到变化能使事情变得更好时,你就会有很大的兴趣去促成变化的发生。”"Maybe I could use this in my personallife," he added. "My children seem to think that nothing in theirlives should ever change. I guess they're acting like Hem -- they're angry.They're probably afraid of what the future holds. Maybe I haven't painted arealistic picture of 'New Cheese' for them. Probably because I don't see itmyself." “也许我应该把这些观念和方法运用到我的个人生活中去,”他补充说:“我的孩子们觉得他们的生活不应该改变。我看他们也有点像哼哼——当事情发生改变时,他们会愤怒。因为他们不知道改变后会怎么样。这也许是我没有给他们描绘出一幅‘新奶酪’的美景的缘故。或许因为连我自己都害怕变化,连我自己都没有看到那‘新奶酪’的美景吧?”The group was quiet as several peoplethought about their own lives. 听了番话,所有人都想到了自己的生活,大家安静下来。"Well," Jessica said, "mostpeople here are talking about jobs, but as I listened to the story, I thoughtabout my personal life. I think my current relationship is 'Old Cheese' thathas some pretty serious mold on it." “呃,”杰西卡清了清嗓子,打破了宁静,“大家好像都在谈论自己的工作,但是我听到这个故事以后,却想到了我的个人生活。我觉得我目前的情况,我的家庭关系,就像一个‘旧奶酪’,上面长满了霉菌。”Cory laughed in agreement. "Me too. Iprobably need to let go of a bad relationship." 柯瑞笑出声来,表示赞同:“我也是。也许我现在最该采取行动的就是让一段不愉快的关系尽快过去。”Angela countered, "Or, perhaps the'Old Cheese' is just old behavior. What we really need to let go of is thebehavior that is the cause of our bad relationship. And then move on to abetter way of thinking and acting." 安杰拉反驳道:“我不同意你的观点,也许这个‘旧奶酪’只是一种旧的行为方式。我们需要放弃的只是引起这种状况的旧的行为方式,而不是这个‘奶酪’。这样我们才会朝更好的思维和行为方式转变。”"Ouch!" Cory reacted. "Goodpoint. The New Cheese is a new relationship with the same person." “对呀!”柯瑞受到启发,“好观点。新奶酪就是用新的积极的行为方式与一个人建立新关系。”Richard said, "I'm beginning to thinkthere is more to this than I thought. I like the idea of letting go of oldbehavior instead of letting go of the relationship. Repeating the same behaviorwill just get you the same results. 理查德说:“我在想,也许这个故事还有更多有建设性的启发等待我们挖掘。我同意安杰拉的观点——需要放弃的是旧的行为方式而不是关系本身。一成不变的行为方式还是会导致同样的结果。”"As far as work goes, maybe instead ofchanging jobs I should be changing the way I am doing my job. I'd probably havea better position by now if I did." “就工作而言,或许我应该成为帮助公司进行改变的人之一,而不是因为害怕公司的改变而辞去工作。如果早这么想、这么做的话,我现在也许就会有一个更好的职位了。”