


【目标语言】Long time no see.

Long time no see" or "Long time, no see." is an Englishexpression used as a greeting by people who have not seen each other for awhile. Its origins in American English appear to be an imitation of broken orpidgin English, and despite its ungrammaticality, it is widely accepted as afixed expression. The phrase is a multiword expression that cannot be explainedby the usual rules of English grammar due to the irregular syntax. It mayderive ultimately from an English pidgin such as that spoken by Native Americansor Chinese, or an imitation of such. The lexicographer Eric Partridge notesthat the phrase is akin to "no can do" and "chop chop".


An early use of the phrase, though not as a greeting, is fromLieut.-Colonel James Campbell's Excursions, Adventures, and Field-Sports inCeylon (published 1843): "Ma-am—long time no see wife—want go to Colombosee wife."

The earliest appearance of the phrase "long time no see" inprint recorded in Oxford English Dictionary dates to 1901, found in W. F.Drannan's Thirty-One Years on the Plains and in the Mountains, in which aNative American  man is recorded asgreeting the narrator by saying, "Good morning. Long time no seeyou." This example is intended to reflect usage in American Indian PidginEnglish.


【片头】Good day, ladiesand gentlemen! Welcome to Fun English. I’m Sophia.各位学习英语的朋友,大家好,欢迎来到趣味口语。我是Sophia.


      你有多久没有见你的朋友了?很久没有见了吗?如果见面了会说什么呢?我们一定会很好奇,没见他们的这段时间里,他们都去做了什么?他们还好吗?一句how are you并不能表达我心中的各种关心,怎么办?我们可以说一句最接近汉语的英语Long time no see!


     之所以说它最接近汉语,是因为我们仔细一看会发现,long time很长时间,no see没有看到,意思不难猜,就是好久不见的意思,其实它与汉语的语序是一样的。除此之外,还有很多说法可以表示很久没见,比如I haven’t seen youfor ages.就是我都快好几年没见你了,这里并不见得真的是好几年,而是描述时间很久而已。这两个句子都是很常用的,long time no see.和I haven’t seenfor ages.


像Long time no see.这样汉语背景浓重的语句在英语中还真的不少。这样的句子被称为 Pidgin English,或者叫“洋泾浜英语”,代表着一类中式英语。要知道,并不是说中式英语就不是英语,别人就听不懂。像今天学的这句是已经被大多数人接受了的,很常用的句子,但大家千万别因此不好好学英语,随便用汉语造英文句子,期待有一天被外国人接受。洋泾浜原本是上海黄浦江一条支流的河名,它虽然是一条不起眼的小河浜,却四通八达。1845年11月,上海道台宫慕久被迫公布与英国驻沪领事巴富尔“商妥”的《上海土地章程》,同意把洋泾浜北、李家场南一带作为英人居留地。1849年4月,上海道台麟桂又屈服于法国驻沪领事敏体尼,宣布将洋泾浜南、护城河北划为法租界。从此,本来默默无闻的洋泾浜成了颇受瞩目的上海两租界的界河;而“洋泾浜”一词,则一度用作租界的代称。当时随着大批从事经济掠夺的英商涌入,在没有共同语言而又急于交流的情况下形成一种“商业英语”,西人称作“皮钦语”(Pidgin English),华人则叫做“洋泾浜英语“。洋泾浜英语主要特点就是以当地母语为主,夹杂许多英语词汇,属于不同语言人群进行联系的混合语言。

像今天说的long time no see便是其代表,除此外还有no can do,意思是做不了,或者chop chop切啊切,就是快点的意思。



我们来练习一下吧,如果你好久没有见到一位朋友,偶然遇到就可以说?没有错! Long time nosee!


学了今天的口头禅,是不是觉得英语也很有趣呢?英语不再难,全在有心人。I’m Sophia. Seeya!

  • 枯宝

    好久不见 ①long time no see ②I haven't seen you for ages(描述很久,不一定真的好几年)