特蕾莎·梅 | 法国峰会就互联网安全问题发表讲话

特蕾莎·梅 | 法国峰会就互联网安全问题发表讲话


I've been here, in Paris, at the summit, which has brought together governments and tech companies to deal with the issue of content and extremist material online.


Following the terrible attacks that took place in New Zealand, in Christchurch, and the way in which the video of those attacks was shared, we see the need to do more to remove content quickly, but also to make sure that it doesn’t get on the internet in the first place. And we have been working together.


The UK has been leading work with the tech companies on this. But this is a stark reminder that we need to do more. We have the knowledge and the expertise - that was clear, around the table at the summit today.


But we need to do more to remove this content and to ensure that it doesn’t get uploaded in the first place. I’ve signed up to today’s Christchurch Call for Action. This brings governments and tech companies together, continuing to work to deal with this problem of and violent extremist material online.

但是我们需要做更多的事情来删除这些内容并确保它不会一开始就被上传。所以我签署了今天的Christchurch Call for Action行动。这将让政府和科技联系在一起,继续努力处理恐怖主义和网络极端分子暴力视频素材问题。

And together, we will deal with it. And we will ensure that the internet is a safe place to be.


  • Llynn_nr


  • 江承宙233


  • 静默麦芽糖


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