





Ladies and gentlemen, We're here today to show our respect and love for our former principal, Mr. Page.




head teacher(不强调性别)

美国:中小学校长principal(私立学校有时会用Head of School)

大学校长president:The President of Harvard University】


As you all know , Mr. Page will be retiring next Friday.


By then, he will have been teaching for exactly forty years.


It is quite an amazing coincidence, isn’t it?


Like Moses who s pent 40 years leading his people to the promised land, Mr. Page has spent exactly that long leading students during his tenure.

【注意:The promised land指的是the land of Canaan】


He has touched our lives during this time.


Whenever we were in trouble , we knew Mr. Page was our "go-to" person who was always available to help.


We all need to express our sincerest gratitude to him for his patience and understanding, and for the heartwarming encouragement he gave us when we were reluctant to go to school.  

【gratitude n.感激之情

be reluctant to do = be unwilling to do

heartwarming adj.温暖人心的】


To mark this memorable occasion, we have prepared a special farewell present for Mr. Page, including a large album with the names and photos of all the students he has taught.

【album可以指相册,签名册,还可以指音乐的专辑。The singer will soon release his new album.】


You may wonder what he will do during retirement.


Well, as far as I know, he will devote his time to gardening, an entirely new hobby for him. 

【garden v.干园艺活  gardening n.园艺活  gardener n.园丁

He has green fingers/green thumb.  】


But it doesn't matter at all, because that is what he loves to do.


As he often puts it, it is never too late to start something new, and to do things that you have been longing to do.


Though we are all sad about his departure, we wish him a quiet and happy retirement.

【Departure is the act of leaving a place.】


Ladies and gentlemen, We're here today to show our respect and love for our former principal, Mr. Page.

As you all know , Mr. Page will be retiring next Friday. By then, he will have been teaching for exactly forty years.It is quite an amazing coincidence, isn’t it? Like Moses who s pent 40 years leading his people to the promised land, Mr. Page has spent exactly that long leading students during his tenure.

He has touched our lives during this time.Whenever we were in trouble , we knew Mr. Page was our "go-to" person who was always available to help.

We all need to express our sincerest gratitude to him for his patience and understanding, and for the heartwarming encouragement he gave us when we were reluctant to go to school. To mark this memorable occasion, we have prepared a special farewell present for Mr. Page, including a large album with the names and photos of all the students he has taught.

You may wonder what he will do during retirement. Well, as far as I know, he will devote his time to gardening, an entirely new hobby for him.  But it doesn't matter at all, because that is what he loves to do. As he often puts it, it is never too late to start something new, and to do things that you have been longing to do.

Though we are all sad about his departure, we wish him a quiet and happy retirement.

3.东欣文化点睛: 关于学习的至理名句


当然,“Never too old to learn.”不仅仅是是献给他们的,也是给予我们所有希望不断成长的学员们。因为,今天我们已经进入了终身学习时代. We now live in an era of life-long learning, when everybody should keep learning and growing.


You dont have to be great to start, but you have to start to be great.

--- Zig Ziglar

【解读:It reminds people that the only way to never reach your goals is to never start.】

Perfect is the enemy of good.--- Voltaire

解读:Don’t worry about doing things perfectly. If you do, you’ll never get things done.     Tolerate imperfection, but keep upgrading.


Tell me and I forget. Teach me and I remember. Involve me and I learn.

-- Benjamin Franklin

解读:It is a reminder of the importance of active learning.


Anyone who stops learning is old, whether at twenty or eighty.

  --- Henry Ford.

解读:Learning is what keeps the mind young. 

Anyone who keeps learning is young, whether at twenty or eighty.

 Live as if you were to die tomorrow.

Learn as if you were to live forever.   --- Mahatma Gandhi  (印度圣雄甘地)

解读:Make each day count and never stop learning and growing. 

  • pk1aufehujsaylrrjpb2


  • 韩英日in沈阳

    Mamba never out

  • 韩英日in沈阳

    Mamba never out

  • 舰长杰瑞

  • Z苏染

    活到老学到老,Live and learn

  • 江湖胡少侠

