2册-078.3 丨【故事转述】如何描述奇闻轶事:巨型鱼来也






Seafood is many people’s favorite.


But overfishing has been such a big problem that seafood is becoming increasingly expensive.  


So my jaw dropped when a diver on North sea oil rigs told me about his encounter with some giant fish.

【encounter n.遭遇,邂逅= meeting sb unexpectedly】


A few days ago , he was busy repairing the oil rigs at a depth of ninety feet under water, when a monstrous fish about 10 feet long bumped into him.

【monstrous /'mɑnstrəs/ adj. = unusually large

bump into sb无意间碰见 】


Thinking the fish was a shark , he was scared out of his wits.


Fortunately , the fish didn’t attack the diver, even showing no interest in him.                  


It turned out that the fish was just a giant cod which had grown to a unnatural size.


Similarly, another diver claimed to have seen a skate as long as twelve feet , which swam over his head like a ghost.


Now the divers have to go down to the sea with the protection of specially-made cages.


You must be wondering how these fish have grown so large.


Well, based on their analysis, the divers have identified three crucial factors.


First of all, the water around the hot oil pipes has been heated, attracting many fish which enjoy taking hot bathsin this area.


Besides, the ample food thrown overboard by the crews on the oil rigs has been real feasts for the fish.  

【ample adj. = more than enough 注意:A crew is a group of people wong together with special skills比如:a film crew,crew members】


Finally, fishing boats are completely absent around the rigs.


No wonder the comfortable warm water has become a paradise for the fish, which keep eating and growing.


Seafood is many people’s favorite.But overfishing has been such a big problem that seafood is becoming increasingly expensive. So my jaw dropped when a diver on North sea oil rigs told me about his encounter with some giant fish.  

A few days ago , he was busy repairing the oil rigs at a depth of ninety feet under water, when a monstrous fish about 10 feet long bumped into him. Thinking the fish was a shark , he was scared out of his wits.

Fortunately , the fish didn’t attack the diver, even showing no interest in him.t turned out that the fish was just a giant cod which had grown to a unnatural size. Similarly, another diver claimed to have seen a skate as long as twelve feet , which swam over his head like a ghost.

Now the divers have to go down to the sea with the protection of specially-made cages.You must be wondering how these fish have grown so large. Well, based on their analysis, the divers have identified three crucial factors.

First of all, the water around the hot oil pipes has been heated, attracting many fish which enjoy taking hot bathsin this area. Besides, the ample food thrown overboard by the crews on the oil rigs has been real feasts for the fish. Finally, fishing boats are completely absent around the rigs.

No wonder the comfortable warm water has become a paradise for the fish, which keep eating and growing.

3.东欣文化点睛: 奇异的海洋生物

Let’s learn some amazing facts about Ocean animals. “Jellyfish have been around for more than 650 million years, which means that they are older than both dinosaurs and sharks.”

At up to 29.9 metres in length and with a maximum recorded weight of 173 tonnes , the blue whale is the largest animal known to have ever existed.At 188 decibels, the calls of blue whales is the loudest sound made by any animal on the planet. 

An Electric Eel is known to produce electricity sufficient enough to light up to 10 electric bulbs.

Dolphins sleep with only half of their brain and with one eye open so they can watch for predators and other threats.

An Octopus has three hearts and the color of its blood is blue. Seahorses are the only animals in which the male, not the female, gives birth and cares for their young. Oysters can change from one gender to another and back again depending on which is best for mating.

Sea sponges have no head, mouth, eyes, feelers(触角), bones, heart, lungs, or brain, yet they are living animals rather than plants.


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