



The original

      Her position before was sheltered from the light; now, I had a distinct view of her whole figure and countenance. She was slender(苗条的), and apparently scarcely past girlhood: an admirable form, and the most exquisite(精致的) little face that I have ever had the pleasure of beholding(看见): small features, very fair; flaxen(亚麻色的) ringlets(垂下的长鬈发), or rather golden, hanging loose on her delicate neck; and eyeshad they been agreeable in expression, they would have been irresistible(让人无法抗拒的). Fortunately for my susceptible(敏感的) heart, the only sentiment(情绪) they evinced(表现) hovered(徘徊) between scorn(轻蔑) and a kind of desperation, singularly(非常地) unnatural to be detected there.

      The canisters(小罐) were almost out of her reach; I made a motion to aid her; she turned upon me as a miser(守财奴) might turn if any one attempted to assist him in counting his gold.

      “I don’t want your help,” she snapped(怒气冲冲地说), “I can get them for myself.”


What was the girl like

A. Polite

B. Ugly

C. Pretty

Key to the exercise:  C

