


节选自英国小说家威廉· 萨默赛特·毛姆创作的长篇小说《月亮与六便士》。节选的内容是关于斯特里克兰德(主人翁)抛妻弃子离家出走,“我”(作者)受其妻子所托来找他谈话,对话中交代了他离开的理由。

The original

      “What poor minds women have got! Love. It’s always love. They think a man leaves only because he wants others. Do you think I should be such a fool as to do what I’ve done for a woman? ”

      “Do you mean to say you didn’t leave your wife for another woman? ”

      “Of course not. ”

      “On your word of honour? ”

      I don’t know why I ask for that. It was very ingenuous(单纯的)for me.

      “On my word of honour. ”

      “Then, what in God’s name have you left her for? ”

      “I want to paint. ”

      I looked at him for quite a long time. I did not understand. I thought he was mad. It must be remembered that I was very young, and I looked upon him as a middle-aged man. I forgot everything but my own amazement(惊愕).


What exactly the man left his wife for

A. For another woman

B. For painting

Key to the exercise: B

  • 浦玉


    飞鲨走鲥 回复 @浦玉: 谢谢你,谬赞谬赞。