




1. What’s Judy doing?

A. Having an interview.

B. Talking on the phone.

C. Making some noises.

2. How much will Americans spend on costumes this Halloween?

A. $2.4 billion.

B. $2.5 billion.

C. $3.1 billion.

3. Where can the climbers stay overnight?

A. In a company.

B. In a mountain.

C. In a hotel.

4. What will the woman do this weekend?

A. Work overtime.

B. Read a book.

C. Have a meeting.

5. What can we know about the earthquake?

A. It happened in Italy on Saturday.

B. It’s the most powerful quake ever.

C. It caused no victims.




6. What does the man think of his boss?

A. Efficient.

B. Strict.

C. Bad.

7. What does the man often do every night?

A. Stay up for work.

B. Read the book.

C. Do something relaxing.


8. How is Thomas?

A. Moved.

B. Excited.

C. Tired.

9. What will Judy do next?

A. Dance with Thomas.

B. Watch Thomas dancing.

C. Go to a dancing lesson.


10. Where does the conversation take place?

A. In the man’s flat.

B. In Ash’s old flat.

C. At Grandma’s place.

11. What’s Simon trying to do?

A. Throw away something.

B. Take everything.

C. Get rid of all old stuff.

12. What will Simon do?

A. Carry the boxes.

B. Drive the van.

C. Talk to Annabel.


13. What is wrong with the first mentioned speaker?

A. She’s late for her train.

B. She speaks so quickly.

C. She often slows down.

14. What’s Jerome unsatisfied with the second speaker?

A. The difficult speech.

B. The fast rate.

C. The long time.

15. Why can’t they take notes of the second speaker’s lecture?

A. She speaks too slowly.

B. Her voice is too low.

C. She picks up the pace.

16. What’s Jerome doing finally?

A. Drinking some coffee.

B. Falling asleep.

C. Paying attention.


17. When was the 22-year-old student robbed?

A. When he was a primary student.

B. When he went to the college.

C. When he went to a fashion show.

18. What happened to Zhang Chaolin?

A. He was badly hurt.

B. His bag was stolen.

C. He died after being attacked.

19. What part of Zhang’s body was kicked?

A. Chest.

B. Head.

C. Arms.

20. How many Chinese showed up in Place de la Republique?

A. About 600,000.

B. About 40,000.

C. About 15,000.


Text 1

M: What’s that? The sound.

W: Judy is being interviewed and her phone keeps ringing.

Text 2

W: Americans are expected to spend much this year on Halloween stuff.

M: Well, you’re right. $3.1 billion on dressing up, $2.5 billion on the candy, $2.4 billion on decorations, $390 million on greeting cards.

Text 3

M: A U.S. Company is helping climbers sleep on the face of a mountain.

W: What does it look like?

M: It’s like a hotel room with no heat, no room service and no walls. It’s located in Estes Park, Colorado, and costs $1,200 a night.

Text 4

W: Jason, I cannot believe we have to work over the weekend.

M: Did you not hear the news? The meeting for the project got canceled. No work this weekend after all.

W: Awesome! Now, I’ll have a chance to catch up on my latest book.

Text 5

W: A 6.5-magnitude earthquake hit central Italy on Sunday, causing no victims,but destroying precious historic buildings.

M: It was the fourth strongest event since late August, and the most powerful quake in the country since 1980.

Text 6

W: How’s work going?

M: Uh, it’s OK. You know, I think I’ve told you before, my boss, he’s really strict, and he makes us do everything by the book.

W: Hmm, what’s so bad about that?

M: Nothing really. It’s just very inefficient. You know, if I could do things the way I wanted, I wouldn’t have to stay late at the office every night.

Text 7

W: Thomas, how did the dancing lesson go?

M: It was excellent! I had a really good teacher — really hard work though — I’m exhausted already.

W: Come on then — show me your moves! Yeah, I think you’re going to need a little more practice.

M: Ha — maybe. Come on, Judy, if we want to win a prize for the best dancers, you need to practise some moves too.

W: I can’t wait. I’m really excited. It’s going to be fantastic! Come on then.

Text 8

M: Do you want a hand, Ashley?

W: Yes, please, Simon. Thanks.

M: It must feel good that you’re moving into your new flat today.

W: Yeah.It’s going to be the perfect place to live. But first I’ve got to finish packing.

M:Ash, are you really keeping this?

W: Of course I am. It was Grandma’s. It reminds me of her.

M: OK, but you can’t keep everything. There’s a lot of rubbish here. Like this one! Just throw them away!

W: Ah, wait! That’s Annabel, I told you. I’ve had her since I was six. Look, if you want to make yourself useful, you can take the boxes down to the van.

M: Alright, alright... This is really heavy. You’ve definitely got too much stuff!

Text 9

M: Did you hear what the speaker said, Elise?

W: No, I didn’t catch that either, Jerome. She’s racing through her presentation like she’s late for her train.

M: I know. She speaks at such a fast rate of speech that it’s dizzying. I wish she’d slow down so I could make out what she’s saying.

W: She’s got to be breaking a record for the number of words per minute. Hey wait, she’s done. The next speaker has to be better.

M: Oh my God, she’s worse! She must be the slowest speaker alive.

W: At least we can understand her.

M: Yes, but I wish she’d pick up the pace. She’s making a lengthy speech even longer. At this rate, we’ll be here until midnight!

W: Maybe we should try to pay attention and take notes like we’re supposed to.

M: How can we when her voice is so weak?

W: I know what you mean. I think I need some coffee. Do you want some?

M: (Snores)

W: Jerome, Jerome!

Text 10 (约190词)

M: The 22-year-old student was robbed by a gang of youths in a side street when he was in primary school in France.

It was a long time ago, but he still crosses the road if a large group of people are coming his way. After all, everyone in his family has been targeted in a similar fashion.

France’s Chinese population have long suffered from being easy targets for crime. But they say they have now reached the breaking point.

In August, Zhang Chaolin, a 49-year-old tailor and father-of-two died in hospital after being attacked by three teenagers. He had been walking in a quiet street in the north Paris suburb of Aubervilliers.

Zhang was reportedly kicked in the chest and fell, striking his head on the street. The aim of the attack was to steal his friend’s bag.

The tailor had nothing on him except sweets and cigarettes.

In response, on 4 September, at least 15,000 Chinese turned out in Paris’s Place de la Republique to say their deep feelings of insecurity.

Estimated at more than 600,000 people, France has Europe’s largest Chinese community.


模拟试题 15 1—5 ACBBC 6—10 BACAB 11—15 AABCB 16—20BACAC

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