




1. What does the man mean?

A. The woman is right on time.

B. The woman missed the last train.

C. He can take her to Chicago.

2. What time was the man’s appointment?

A. 11:00.

B. 11:30.

C. 11:40.

3. What are the speakers mainly talking about?

A. French learning.

B. Social skills.

C. Watching TV.

4. What will the man do next?

A. Attend a party.

B. Change his appearance.

C. See his mom.

5. What might Roberto do just after finishing college?

A. An accountant.

B. A policeman.

C. A physical worker.




6. Why is Andrew excited?

A. He just finished the exams.

B. He’ll finish school soon.

C. He’ll have a holiday.

7. What can we know about Eva?

A. She misses a lot of classes.

B. She’s not a student.

C. She has never done any homework.


8. Where are the speakers?

A. Blackpool.

B. Paris.

C. Manchester.

9. What did the woman use to like there?

A. The fish and chips.

B. The rides.

C. The theme park.


10. What’s wrong with Darcy’s flat?

A. The floor needs repairs.

B. The kitchen is dirty.

C. The taps are leaking.

11. What does Darcy think of the wall?

A. Modern.

B. Unbearable.

C. Old.

12. What are the speakers going to do first?

A. Throw the rubbish away.

B. Move out.

C. Make a call.


13. What’s the most possible relationship between the speakers?

A. Roommates.

B. Classmates.

C. Colleagues.

14. What day is it today?

A. Saturday.

B. Sunday.

C. Monday.

15. How does Kevin feel?

A. Exhausted.

B. Nervous.

C. Comfortable.

16. What would Kelsey like to do?

A. Wake up late.

B. Stay up for work.

C. Be a morning person.


17. What does the robot AV1 help children do?

A. Recover from illness.

B. Feel less lonely.

C. Read and learn.

18. Who starts the robot?

A. The user’s school friends.

B. The teacher.

C. The user himself.

19. What’s the robot able to bear?

A. A fall from anywhere.

B. Water.

C. Fire.

20. What does the robot look like?

A. A tablet.

B. A phone.

C. A person.


Text 1

W: Excuse me, can I catch the train to Chicago?

M: You could, if the last train hadn’t left 20 minutes ago.

Text 2

M: Hello —I have an appointment to see the manager at eleven.

W: Oh dear, you’re very late. That was over half an hour ago. It’s eleven forty.

Text 3

W:Why do you keep watching television, Jimmy?

M: It’s a great way to improve my French. It can help me improve my speaking and listening skills.

W: Really? You just watched English TV programs.

Text 4

W: Oh gosh! What happened to you?

M: Oh, hi, Teena. Well, I decided to change my image. What do you think?

W: Well, don’t let mum see you like that — it’s her birthday party tonight.

M: Don’t worry, I’ll change first.

Text 5

W: Hi, Roberto, do you work in a field related to economics now?

M: Hi, Wendy, absolutely not. I worked for 6 months with an accounting firm after graduation.And then I did a physical work for a couple of years. Finally, I joined the police and I have been a policeman for 10 years.

Text 6

W: Are you excited, Andrew? It’s your spring break soon.

M: Yeah. It’ll give me a little break from school. So yeah. I’m excited to relax for a little while.

W: I miss all the holidays I had when I was a student. I’m jealous of you.

M: I know, Eva. I think that school life is kind of crazy, but then when I stop and sort of look at it, we do get a lot of breaks, so it’s nice. But you don’t have all the homework, or exams.

W: Yeah. That’s true.

Text 7

M: This may look like Paris, but we’re in Blackpool, in the North of England — about an hour’s drive from Manchester.And as you can see, it’s a seaside town and for more than a hundred years people have been coming here for their holidays. In fact, Joanna and I used to come here when we were kids.

W: Yes, that’s right. I used to love coming to Blackpool — the beach, the sunshine, the fish and chips. And the ice cream...

M: And I love the theme park and all the rides. Come on! This is going to be great!

Text 8

W: That’s the third time the taps have leaked this month. Just look at them. I’m fed up with living here.

M: You’re always repairing things.

W: Yes. I hate this flat! I can’t stand the kitchen. I can’t bear the pink wall. I want to move out! I want to rent somewhere a bit more modern, you know, somewhere everything works!

M: I know what you mean. This place, I mean, look at this, it’s horrible... and it’s full of old rubbish.

W: I’ve decided. I’m going to start looking for somewhere else to live.

M: I’ll help you if you like.

W: Ahh... Thanks, Stephen.

M: What about this one, Darcy?

W: Ahh...That one looks just right, yeah — give them a call.

Text 9

M: Kelsey, it’s going to be a great day.

W: No, it’s not. It’s so early, Kevin. It’s weekend today.

M:I know, tomorrow is working day! It’s 6 o’clock already.

W: Why couldn’t I have just slept in?

M: Well, you know that getting up early is one of the best things you can do, right?

W: I don’t buy it. I’m exhausted and don’t want to get out of the bed.

M: Well, it takes a little while to get used to. You set your sleep cycle to wake up at the same time every day. You can’t sleep in on the weekends.

W: Really?

M: You wake up, you’ll feel more comfortable. Look at me.

W: OK, but do you have to have coffee in order to be awake?

M: Some people do, yes. But I do not.

W: So, this is just natural. Well, I can try it, but I’m honestly pretty nervous about it.

M: So maybe you should stay up really, really late then, and wake up late. Maybe, that would be better for you.

W:I guess. I mean, that’s what I do now.

M: Would that affect work?

W: I don’t know. I’ll try it for a few days, and I’ll let you know.

M: Cool.

Text 10 (约190词)

W: Anyone who has had a long-term illness knows that recovering at home can be lonely. This can be especially true of children.

Now, these children may have a high-tech robot friend to help feel less alone.

The robot is called AV1. AV1 goes to school for a child who is at home while recovering from a long-term illness. And the child’s school friends must help. They carry the robot between classes and place the robot on the child’s desk.

How does the robot AV1 work? From home, the child uses a tablet or phone to start the robot. At school, the robot becomes the eyes, ears and voice of the child.

The robot is equipped with speakers, microphones and cameras that makes communicating easy.

The robot was designed to be tough. It is water resistant and can take a fall from a desk without damage.

AV1 is large and looks like a human for a reason. This is important because the robot is supposed to be a friend to the children.

The robot just became available to the public. Hopefully AV1 will help some children feel less lonely while they are absent from class.


模拟试题013 1—5 BACBA 6—10CBAAC 11—15BCABC 16—20ABCBC

